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Minggu, 04 Januari 2015
soal bahasa inggris
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Author :
karya mgmp karanganyar
(Spoken Narrative)
A. Building Knowledge of Field
1. Listening
Activity 1.
Listen to your teacher reading this story, then fill in the blank with the words you heard.
Long ago, in the ……..(1), there lived a very beautiful princess, snow white. The Queen was her ………..(2). She was very jealous of her beauty. So she wanted her to die.
Snow White knew about her …….(3) plan. She escaped into a forest. There she made a friend with seven …….(4).
The Queen turned into a ……..(5). Snow White did not realize it. The witch gave her ……(6) apple. As a result, Snow White was put into sleep for years.
……….(7), in the end, Prince Charming ……..(8) her with a kiss. They lived together happily ever after.
(Free adaptation from Grimms’ fairy tale)
The answers
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
6. ____________________
7. ____________________
8. ____________________
Activity 2.
Your teacher will read the story once more, then answer these questions.
1. Who is the main character of the story?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. When did the story happen?
4. What problem faced by the main character?
5. Can she solved the problem? How?
6. How is the ending of the story, sad or happy ending?
7. What kind of story is it?
Activity 3.
Here are words taken from the answer of the listening section in activity 1. Use them to complete the sentences.
1. Peter pan is popular children story. It is told the he lives in ……… .
2. When she wants to go somewhere, the …….uses her magic broom to fly to the destination.
3. Cinderella was sad knowing that she didn’t ……….. an invitation to the ball in the palace.
4. Cinderella’s ……….is a cruel and bad tempered. She always ordered Cinderella to do a lot of works.
5. The ……….helped snow white and took care of her in their home in the wood.
6. The lion was caught in a cage by some hunters. …………., the mice helped him by cutting off the rope tied the cage.
7. To carry out his ……..mind, the witch uses her black magic to kill the Prince.
8. The King died because he drank a …………..juice from his enemy.
Activity 4.
Since grade X, you have heard and read many kind of stories, right? So to warm up your mind, match the kind of the story and its main characters.
Answer No. Kinds of stories No. Main Character(s)
______ 1. Fable A. Cinderella
______ 2. Fairy tales B. Malin Kundang
______ 3. Legend C. The grasshopper and the ants
______ 4. Myth D. Zeus and demeter
______ 5. Folktales E. Roro Jonggrang
2. Speaking (Speech Function)
a. Giving suggestion
Activity 5.
In pair, read the following transactional dialogue before the class.
Maya : Hi, Mira. What are you doing?
Mira : Oh, Uhm. I am reading some stories. You know, Mr. Agus Wuryanto asked us to submit the
Story before we tell it to the class.
Maya : Oh ya, I see. By the way. Have you got the right one?
Mira : Actually, I still confuse what kinds of stories I will choose; fable, fairy tales, legend or what…
Maya : I’d like to suggest that you’d better to choose “fable”. It is short, simple and easy to
Mira : It sounds like a good idea. Ok , I’ll choose “fable”. Indonesian fable “ The Deer and the
Crocodiles”. Thanks for your suggestion.
Maya : you are welcome.
Activity 6.
In pair, answer these questions.
1. Who are they?
2. What are they talking about?
3. What was confused by Mira?
4. Did she get the solution?
5. Who gave the solution?
6. What did Maya say to Mira?
7. Can give more example about the expression of giving suggestion?
Activity 7.
Learn these expression.
Expression of giving suggestions Responses
I think it is better if….
I suggest you …..
I’d like to suggest that…
It is better for you to…
For sure, it is better to….
I think it’s a good idea
It sounds like a good suggestion
Your suggestion is right.
Thanks for your suggestion
It is clear now. Thank you
Thanks for your suggestion
Activity 8.
Write transactional/interpersonal dialogue containing expression of giving and responding suggestion based on the following situation.
1. You and your friend are in an education exhibition. You confuse what university you will apply after
graduating from high school. Your friend gives his/her suggestion.
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
2. You and your family are in a book store. All books displayed are interesting. You confuse. Some of
your family member give you his/her suggestion.
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
3. You are in sport shop. You want to buy new basket ball shoes. There are two brand; Nike and
Adidas. The shop attendant suggest what brand is better in quality and price.
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
b. Complaining
Activity 9.
Observe this picture. Then answer the questions
1. What are these people doing?
2. What are they looking at?
3. Why is the old grandma complaining ?
4. What does the man in the cap response to the old
Activity 10.
Learn these expression
Expression of complaint Responses
This situation makes me sick
This is crazy. I can’t stand anymore….
I can’t hold it more time…
It is hot here…..
It is cold here
I am lack of …… Hang on
Be patient
Hold on. It just need a little time more..
Get some cold drink
Get some jackets
Activity 11.
Complete the dialogue with suitable expression of complaint and its responses.
1. Mira : …………………….. I feel so hot.
Andi : Take a bath then.
2. Bona : My wound is so painful . ……………………..
Desi : hold on. The ambulance will come here soon.
3. Soldier 1 : …………. We are surrounded. The enemies are everywhere. There is no way out.
Soldier 2. : Hang on. The support troops will be dropped soon.
4. Sailor 1 : The sea wave is so hard and high. I got stomached. This situation makes me sick.
Sailor 2 : …………………….
5. Passenger 1 : Our plane is shaking hard. We are in the middle of turbulence . This is crazy.
Passenger 2 : ……………. The airport is just 5 miles more. It means it just need 10 minutes to land.
3. Grammar Function
a. Review on Past Tenses
c. Possibility /impossibility
Activity 6.
Observe this picture.
Activity 7.
Study the expression of possibility and impossibility below.
Expression of possibility Expression of impossibility
There is a chance
There is more chance for…..to ..
There is a good chance for….to…
It is possible for………… There is no chance
There is less chance for …to..
There is a little chance for….to …
It is impossible for…..
Activity 8.
Make a suitable expression based on the following situation.
Example : X : Budi will have an English test tomorrow. I saw him watching TV along the night.
Y : I think There is a little chance for Budi to pass his test
1. X : My Grandma has lung cancer. She has stopped smoking cigarette for a year.
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. X : My uncle plans to build a new ranch. He works hard and gets a lot of money.
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. X : I heard that Sinta loves Darma. But Darma is Reni’s boy friend.
Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. X : Our school adventure team is on their way to Everest peak. There is a big storm in the region
Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. X : Budi is over weight. He does physical exercise to lessen his bodyweight everyday.
Y : ………………………………………….…………………………………………………………..
B. Modelling of Text
Activity 12.
Read the following interpersonal dialogue between teacher and students.
The teacher : Good morning students!
The students : Good morning, madam!
The teacher : Today, we will learn about narrative text. Please open your workbook on page 5. Read
The story titled “ The missing John”.
(ten minutes later……)
The teacher : Have you finished?
The students : Yes, We have madam.
The teacher : Ok , let discuss now. This story is about John. Who is he, students, does anybody
The student : He is new kid in town
The teacher :Yes it is said in the story that john is a new kid in town. What does that mean?
The student : It means new comer, madam.
The Teacher : Right, kid means child; so he is a new child, a new comer in the town. OK, everybody
say "new comer… new comer"
The students : New comer
The teacher : Do you know about his personality? What is he like? Is he a cheerful boy, or gloomy
The student : Gloomy , madam
The teacher : How do you know that?
The student : In the passage, madam. It is written . John slumped in the armchair, his arms crossed and his face with a gloomy frown.
The teacher : OK, now, what happened to him one day?
The student : He was sitting in his armchair one day, day dreaming, when he suddenly saw a big
hollow in the tree outside his house. This tree looked very scary, with thin roots, and
branches that looked like claws. This tree also has thorns all over it.
The teacher : And then?
The student : John felt as if the tree was calling him, and unconsciously he went out towards the
tree. He had tried to turn away, but he couldn't. After that john was never seen
again, but nobody missed him because he was such a gloomy and unfriendly kid.
The teacher : Now, what do you think of this story? Is it happy-ending or sad-ending story?
The students : Sad-ending story, madam!
Activity 13.
Now, answer these questions.
1. Who are they?
2. What do they discuss about?
3. Who is the main character told in the story?
4. How is the ending of the story?
Activity 14.
Read this story. Don’t forget the understand the generic structure and language features of this Narrative story.
Title: The Missing John Language Features
- who
- where
- when John slumped in the armchair, his arms crossed and his face with a gloomy frown. He was a new kid in town, but no-one knew he was even there. John didn't like anybody and they didn't like him. All day he sat in the armchair, staring out the window.
1. Simple past tense
- slumped, crossed, sat
2. Action verbs
- slumped, sat, tried
3. Linking verbs
- was, seemed, like
4. Connectives of time
- then
A Crisis arises Through the window he saw a gigantic hollow tree in a vacant lot. The tree seemed to call him. He stood slowly up, then started to walk toward the tree. Its branches were very thin and its roots dug into the ground like claws. The tree had thorns all over it. John tried to turn away from the tree but he couldn't. A mysterious force was pulling him into hollow.
The crisis is resolved
John never reappeared … but no-one noticed or cared.
(taken from: Contoh Materi KBK B.Inggris: Penataran Guru SMA, M.Yusack, 2004)
Activity 15. Understanding the text structure.
Answer the following questions
1. What does the writer want with the story?
2. In which part does the writer identify the main character of the story?
3. In which part does the writer identify the time and place where the story happened?
4. Who are the characters in this story?
5. Who is the main character?
6. When did the story happen?
7. Where did this story take place?
8. What do you learn from the complication?
9. What do you learn from the resolution?
10. What moral do you learn from this story?
Activity 16.Undestanding the content of the story
Answer these questions.
1. Who is John?
2. What did he usually do everyday?
3. Where did he usually sit?
4. What did he see trough his window?
5. How was the description of the tree?
6. How did John disappear?
7. Do you believe this story?
Activity 17.
Study the following summary.
C. Joint Construction of Text.
Activity 18.
In group of four students, rearrange the story of “ Malin Kundang “ into good and meaningful paragraph.
( ) A Now people call it Batu Simalin Kundang. We can see the stone from Air Manis, a village on the coast of West Sumatra near Padang.
( ) B Malin Kundang worked hard in a big town and in a short time he became a rich man. However he completely forgot his poor old mother
( ) C Some years later he sailed to a harbor near his village. When his mother heard about this news she came to meet him.
( ) D Some days later his ship left the harbor. The sea was calm but when he reached the open sea there was a great storm. The ship was drowned. Malin Kundang and his money changed into a stone.
( ) E An old woman and her son lived in a little village. Her son was called Malin Kundang. They were very poor but they loved each other very much.
( ) F Malin Kundang pretended not to know her. He said, “You are not my mother. Go away !”
( ) G His mother became very sad and before she went she said, “Oh, Malin Kundang, you are wicked son. You’ll never be safe now. You and your money will turn to stone.”
( ) H One day Malin Kundang told his mother that he would go to town and work there. At first his mother did not allow him but finally she let him go with tears.
(Pengajaran Narrative teks:Bahan Penataran Bahasa Inggris: 2004)
Activity 19.
Finishing rearrange the story above , Put the story in this chart. pay attention to the generic structure of the narrative
Orientation …………………………………………………………………………………………
Complication …………………………………………………………………………………………
Resolution …………………………………………………………………………………………
D. Independent Construction of text
Activity 20.
Now, it is time for you to write your own narrative
Choose a very well known tale, myth, fable or fairy tale in your town
Make a raw draft first
Use the generic structure of Narrative
Consult your teacher before developing your draft into final one.
Finishing writing the final draft, perform it in front of the class.
Long ago, there live an old couple by the sea. The old man was a fisherman and his wife was a weaver. Once, the old man caught a goldfish which could talk. Promising that it will repay him, the goldfish egged for its release. Without any condition, the fisherman let it go.
When he reached home, he told his wife about the goldfish. She furious on learning that her husband had been so silly. She showed him a broken wooden pail and told him to ask the gold fish for a new one. The sea was calm when the fisherman reached there. When the goldfish learnt of his wife’s request, it asked him return and promised that a new pail would be given to him.
Sure enough, when he arrived home, his wife was using a new pail. However she was not contented and wanted a new house. The fisherman hurried back to the sea. Again, the gold fish the goldfish granted his request and told him to return home. Again the fisherman’s wife was not satisfied. She then wanted to be a wealthy lady. The fisherman returned to the sea for the third time and again his wife’s wish was granted .She wore beautiful clothes and expensive jewellery.
The fisherman thought that his wife should be satisfied now that she had become rich. However, he was mistaken. A few days later, his wife commanded him to ask the goldfish to make her a queen. Moreover, she wanted the goldfish to serve her as well.
Before the trembling fisherman could speak to the gold fish, it asked him to return home to tell his wife that greed does not pay.
When the fisherman went home, all the riches had disappeared. He saw his wife sitting outside their hut, holding the broken wooden pail and looking very unhappy.
(Taken from : English Practice: Primary 6.)
Your story telling:
Good morning class. This morning. I’ll tell you a story from Singapore. Who knows where Singapore is? ……Yes. Good. Singapore closes to Malaysia. Here is my story. Long ago …………………………………
(Written Narrative)
A. Building knowledge of the field
Activity 1
Exploring your experience
1. Do you often hear stories?
2. What stories do you know well?
3. Do you retell some to your friend?
4. Why do you retell it?
5. Do you enjoy reading narratives?
Activity 2
Find the meaning of these words in your dictionary. Then try to pronounce them correctly!
1. Lived / / = …………………………
2. Care / / = …………………………
3. Storey / / = …………………………
4. Row / / = …………………………
5. Arguing / / = …………………………
6. Shattered / / = …………………………
7. Hiding / / = …………………………
8. Gave / / = …………………………
9. Laugh / / = …………………………
10. Depressed / / = …………………………
11. Awful / / = …………………………
12. Ignored / / = …………………………
13. Came over / / = …………………………
14. Refused / / = …………………………
15. Strength / / = …………………………
B. Modeling of the Text
Activity 3
Read the text. Then answer the questions!
Orientation Alison lived in a small broken down flat with her mother and her mother’s boyfriend, David. Alison was unhappy because her mother and David didn’t care for her very much.
Complication A few years ago everything was normal. Alison lived with her mother and father in a beautiful two-storey house but her mother and father started quarreling all the time. Sometimes one row would last for weeks. They had been arguing non stop for three months now and finally they both agreed to get a divorce. Alison was shattered as she heard these words while hiding a chair. She didn’t want to get into any fights with her parents especially her father who she cared for very much and who gave her everything.
Evaluation Alison and her mother had been living with David for a year and Alison was never the same. She wouldn’t play or talk to anyone or even smile or laugh. Alison was always depressed abut what had happened. Her mother and David were always yelling at her because she was so unhappy.
Complication One awful night as Alison was sitting in a chair listening to the radio (for they couldn’t afford a TV). David asked Alison why she was unhappy. Alison ignored David and went on listening to the radio. David jumped up out of his chair and came over to Alison. He had a furious look on his face. “Why are you unhappy?” he said. Alison looked like she was going to cry but she held her tears and refused to answer. David threw Alison against the wall with all his strength.
Alison was in a coma for two weeks. One day she woke up and found herself in hospital. There beside her sat her father. She rubbed her eyes, “Am I dreaming?” she asked. “No you’re not Alison. I’ve come to take you home with me. “Alison’s face lit up bright and happy. It was the first time she had smiled since her parents had split up.
Resolution Alison’s father took her home and they were never separated again. The next month was her birthday and Alison received a beautiful doll-house along with several other presents and she was very happy.
1. State the generic structure of the text!
2. What is the purpose of the text above?
3. Is the text told only using the simple past? If not what other tenses are used?
4. Can you find gerund in the text? Write it!
5. Do you find passive voice in the text? Write it!
6. Write any conjunction you can find in the text!
7. What can you learn from the story above?
8. Who is the main character in that story?
9. How was Alison at the beginning of the story?
10. What happened with her then?
11. What is the end of the story?
12. Are you interested in reading the story above? Why?
13. Why does anyone write narrative stories?
Grammar Focus (Past Tenses Review)
1. Simple Past Tense
Used to describe:
Completed actions that took place at a definite time in the past.
e.g. I was naughty when I was child
Permanent situations in the past.
e.g. John lived in Ireland for 15 years
(He doesn’t live there anymore)
Past habits or repeated actions in the past.
e.g. When I was in Elementary school, I often played in the yard
The verb used is Verb-2. There are either irregular verbs or regular verbs.
Irregular verbs
Speak – spoke – spoken
Write – wrote – written
Teach – taught – taught
Regular verbs
Help – helped – helped
Ask – asked – asked
The pattern is: (+) S + V2 + O
(-) S + Didn’t + V1 + O
(?) Did+ S + V1 + O
(+) S + Was/Were + Adverb/Adjective
(-) S + Was/Were + not + Adverb/Adjective
(?) Was/Were + S + Adverb/Adjective
Example :
(+) My mother went to Jakarta yesterday.
(-) My mother didn’t go to Jakarta yesterday.
(?) Did your mother go to Jakarta yesterday?
(+) Alison was absent two days ago.
(-) Alison wasn’t absent two days ago.
(?) Was Alison absent two days ago?
The time expressions used in Simple Past are: yesterday, …ago, last…, etc.
Activity 4
Fill in the blanks by changing the suitable words into Simple Past Tense!
be wish keep meet find
went march lose give lay
1. Armando …… in the museum when the robbery happened.
2. Although the police had offered security, nobody …… to be the witness.
3. The bird was magical that it …… a golden egg.
4. The boy went into the chimney and …… lots of toys.
5. Now matter how hard the lad tried, the stones …… running down pushing him to the ground.
6. Walking up in the morning, he learnt that he …… all of his power.
7. On the way to the jungle, Dharigra ……a gigantic man.
8. That was really the last time I …… him a chance.
9. If you …… a fortune teller, what would you like to predict?
10. The dwarfs …… home in joy and relief.
2. Past Continuous and past perfect tenses
1. General patterns
1. Past Continuous Tense S+ was/were + V-ing
Be: was,were While S + was/were + V-ing
As S + was/were + V-ing
When S + V2 To express an activity that is being done in past time when another activity occured
2. Past Perfect tense S + had + V3
Be: had been Before S + V2
When S + V
After ………. , S + V
To express a sequence of activities in past time, an activity had been done when another activity/event occured
2. Examples
1. Past Continuous Tense
(+) Andi was cooking fried chicken last night when I arrived at his house
( -) Andi was not cooking fried chicken last night. When I arrived at his house.
( ?) Was Andi cooking fried chicken last night when I arrived at his house ?
2. Past Perfect Tense
(+) Andi had cooked fried chicken before I arrived last night.
( -) Andi had not cooked fried chicken before I arrived last night.
( ?) Had Andi cooked fried chicken before I arrive last night?
(+) Lusia had been pretty
( -) Lusia hadn’t been pretty
( ?) Had Lusia been pretty?
Activity 13.
Put the verb in the bracket into its correct form.
Example : Andi …….(go) to Solo this morning
Andi went to Solo this morning
1. Diana ……(water) the flowers in the garden when I came home.
2. Budiman …….(type) his application before he sent to the office.
3. Hamidah and I ………(play) marbles in the school yard while Andi and Arso were swimming.
4. After I ………..(get) my Diploma degree, I would continue to Master degree.
5. When the police arrived at my home, the criminals……………(burn) all my property.
6. After Linda ………(not, meet) her parents, She went to the church. They were usually there.
7. You ….(sleep) when I called you last night?
C. Independent Construction of the Text
Activity 5
Think about a story your group can discuss and tell
Read one of the following stories in your group and analyze the content and its elements.
You can take the examples of story below and develop it by your own language.
Malin Kundang
Timun Mas
Snow White
Activity 6
Collaborating the ideas of rewriting a story. Do the following steps before you write your own narrative writing.
1. In groups, discuss the topic you’re going to develop.
2. Collect ideas and organize the information you need.
3. Try to set the schematic structure of the text that you will write together,
4. Revise the plan of the schematic structure of the text.
5. Ask your friends to give their ideas for constructing the text.
6. Write the text together.
7. Give your friends a copy of the text draft.
8. Evaluate the text that you make.
9. Let your friends make their own works.
Activity 7
Retelling the story
1. Study the following clues in your group.
2. Arrange and develop the clues into the stories. Example: of (one of them).
3. Ask your friends to retell them in front of your group.
D. Joint Construction of the Text
Activity 8
Rearrange the story of Aladdin into good and meaningful paragraph!
A. One day after his father’s death, he met a magician who passed as his uncle and persuaded Aladdin to retrieve a wonderful lamp from hidden care. When Aladdin failed to give the lamp to the magician before emerging from the cave, the magician become enraged and sealed the cave, leaving Aladdin to die.
B. Once upon a time, there was a lazy son of poor Chinese tailor, known as Aladdin.
C. Free of these enemies Aladdin lived a long, happy life and succeeded the sultan to the throne.
D. In his misery, Aladdin wept and wrung his hands, realizing a genie from a ring the magician had given him. The genie freed Aladdin who soon discovered that the lamp also produced powerful genies when robbed. They granted Aladdin’s every wish, and he eventually become immensely wealth and married the daughter of the sultan. The magician returned to steal the lamp, but was defeated as was his evil brother who also tried to gain the lamp.
Activity 9
Answer the following question!
1. What is the main idea of the text above?
2. Mention some supporting ideas of the text!
3. What is the orientation of the text?
4. Mention the sentences which reflect the complications!
5. What is the resolution of the text?
Uji Kognitif 1.
Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C,D or E
Text 1.
The Golden Swan
One night, as the poor widow was sleeping restlessly, she heard her husband’s voice. “I have come back to help you, “ the voice said. The widow sat up and looked around. She knew she was dreaming, and in her dream she went outside. A large swan spoke to her with the Chief Hunter’s voice. “ I know how hard it is for you , “ the Swan said in the Chief Hunter ‘s voice. The Widow was happy to hear her husband’s voice, yet sad because she knew that it was a dream.
The words stuck her throat so she could not speak. The Swan stood in the moonlight and said, “ I wish I could be here with you.” Then it came closer. She could see that many of its feathers were made of gold. In the moonlight it seemed to be a golden swan. The golden swan said, “ Put your hand out and take one of my golden feathers. Use the money for yourself and the children. Go on, I will return whenever You need more. Pull a feather out of my wing. The Golden Swan said in the voice of the chief hunter, “Go to sleep now. In the morning you will know this was a special dream.” So the widow put the feather beside her bed and went back to sleep. She slept so well and so deeply it was as if her husband were still alive. When she woke up, she remembered the dream and looked for the golden feather. There in its place was money and gold. The woman was very happy and later she went to the village and bought food and clothing. She was careful not to spend too much.
01. Rendry : What is the type of the story about “Golden Swan” ?
Meidra : It is …………..
A. a folk tale
B. a short story
C. a novel
D. a fairy tale
E. a legend
02. Rinaya : What is the story above about ?
Taniya : It told about…………….
A. a widow and her children who were hungry and need some food
B. a widow and her swan which has some golden eggs
C. a widow and her dreams about getting money
D. a widow and her dream about her husband who became a golden swan
E. a widow and her ex-husband who want to help her by giving his golden swan
03. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. The widow’s imagination
B. How the widow helped her husband
C. The widow’s hope
D. How the former widow’s husband tried to help his wife
E. How the golden swan tried to fly with it golden feathers
04. Go on, I will return whenever….. . (Pr.2 line 4). What the word “I” refers to……………
A. The chief hunter
B. the swan
C. the dream
D. The widow
E. the feather
05. She was careful not to spend too much. The phrase “not to spend too much” has the synonym with the word…..
A. Economical
B. Economics
C. Greedy
D. Economize
E. have much money
Text 2.
The Fish that Learned to Walk
Once there was an Indian who had a pet fish named Tommy, which he kept in a barrel. But the fish got pretty big and the Indian had to change the water a good deal to keep him alive. He was too lazy to do that, and he thought he would teach the fish to live without water. So he did. He began by taking Tommy out of the barrel for a few minutes at a time, pretty often, and then he took him out oftener and kept him out longer, and after a time Tommy got so he could stay out a good while if he was in the wet grass.
Then the Indian found he could leave him in the wet grass all night, and pretty soon that fish could live in the shade whether the grass was wet or not. By that time he had got pretty tame, too, and he used to follow the Indian around a good deal, and when a the Indian went out to dig worms for him to eat. Tommy went along too and got some for himself. The Indian thought everything of that fish, and when Tommy got so he didn’t need any water at all, but could go anywhere—down the dusty road and stay all day out in the hot sun—you never saw the Indian without his fish. Some people wanted to buy Tommy, but the Indian said he wouldn’t sell a fish like that for any money. You’d see him coming to town with Tommy following along the road behind, just like a dog, only of course he traveled a good deal like a snake, and almost as fast.
Well, it was pretty sad that the way that Indian lost his fish, and it was unusual too. He started for town one day with Tommy coming along behind as usual. There was a bridge in the road and the Indian came to it where he saw there was a hole in it, but he went on over it without thinking. A little later he looked round for Tommy and Tommy wasn’t there. He went back a way and called, but he couldn’t see anything of his pet. Then he came to the bridge and saw the hole, and he thought right away that maybe his fish had got in there. So, he went to the hole and looked down, and sure enough, there was Tommy, floating on the water, bottom-side up. He’d fallen through that hole into the river and drowned.
06. Melissa : Who is Tommy ?
Freddy : I think Tommy is…….
A. The Indian’s name
B. The Indian’s fish
C. The Indian’s friend
D. The Indian’s barrel
E. all are correct
07. Pinkan : What is the main idea of the second paragraph ?
Lindri : It talks about……………..
A. How the Indian trained the fish to live out of water.
B. How the Indian trained the fish to walk out of water
C. How the Indian trained the fish to dig for worm
D. How the Indian trained the fish be tamed so he can sell it
E. The fish can run like snake
08. ……, and the Indian came to it where he saw……(Pr.3 line 3) . The word “it” refers to…
A. the Indian
B. the grass
C. great deal
D. the pet fish
E. the bridge
09. The following information are false, except……………
A. Tommy is the Indian’s friend
B. Tommy can walk like a human by using legs
C. The Indian will sell the fish if someone wants to buy it in highly price
D. Tommy died caused of hot sun
E. Tommy fell down to the river through a hole on the bridge
10. Devina : What is the cause of the Tommy’s death?
Lelina : He died because he……….
A. drowned in the hole
B. drowned in the water
C. fallen in the hot road
D. fallen down to the hole
E. following the Indian
11. ………..only of course he traveled a good deal like a snake (prg 2). The word “he” refers to….
A. The Indian
B. Tommy
C. Snake
D. Dog
E. Some people
12. Aminah : I got headache.
Andika : I think it is better if you visit a doctor.
From the dialogue above we know that the second speaker is …
A. giving apology
B. giving explanation
C. giving suggestion
D. asking suggestion
E. asking apology
13. Budiman : Who is in charge here.
The officer : It is me, Sir. What can I do for you?
Budiman : My room is so dirty. I can’t use it.
The officer : We are sorry sir, I’ll send the janitor soon.
From the dialogue we can conclude that Mr. Budiman is telling his…
A. complaint
B. apology
C. regret
D. agreement
E. refusal
14. Sarju : We have to arrive at Bandung at 5 o’clock. Is there any chance for us to get there on
Melia : it’s four o’clock now. It need 45 minutes to get there. So I think there is …………to get
there on time.
A. a little chance’
B. no chance
C. less chance
D. any chance
E. a more chance
15. Melia : Budi, I can’t use my computer. It is broken. Can you fix it
Budi : ………………. I am majoring in computer science .
A. I don’t think so
B. I have no capability
C. I am capable
D. I doesn’t have any capability
E. I am incapable
16. Melia : I ………to school before you were born
Edy : you must be strong and healthy, then.
A. rides my bike
B. rode my bike
C. ride my bike
D. has ridden my bike
E. had ridden my bike
17. Budi : …….Andi ………milk yesterday?
Nia : Yes, He did
A. do, drink
B. does, drink
C. do, drinks
D. does, drinks
E. did, drink
18. Budi : Your bag is here.
Ami :What did she say to me?
Lia : She said to you …..
A. my bag is here’
B. my bag was here
C. your bag is there
D. your bag was there
E. your bag was here
19. Budi : Where did Andi go?
Linda : What did he say?
Ami : He asked ….
A. where did Andi go
B. where Andi did go
C. where Andi had gone
D. where Andi was gone
E. where Andi goes
20. Budi : Don’t drink my coffee
Sari : What did he say?
Arina : He order you…
A. don’t drink my coffee
B. not to drink your coffee
C. not to drink my coffee
D. not to drink his coffee
E. not to drink her coffee
1. Building Knowledge of Field
Task 1.
Answer the following questions!
1. What do you know about weather?
2. What is the weather like outside?
3. How many seasons are there in our country? What are they? How long does each season last?
4. How many seasons are there in Europe? What are they? How long does each season last?
5. Tell me the process how rain is formed?
Task 2.
Complete the missing words by listening to your teacher reading the whole text!
Weather is the (1) _______________ condition of the atmosphere at a (2) _______________ time. It includes temperature, air (3) _______________ and water content.
Weather is produced when air (4) _______________ from place to place. This moving air is (5) _______________ as wind. Winds are caused by (6) _______________ air rising and cooler moving in to (7) _______________ it. Warm air is usually (8) _______________ than cool air; therefore, it (9) _______________ low air pressure. Cool air is (10) _______________ and creates high (11) _______________ pressure.
Usually we have (12) _______________ weather when the air pressure is high and ( 13) _______________ , rain or (14) _______________ when the air pressure (15) _______________ .
Task 3.
Use the word you’ve got to complete the sentences!
1. It is stuffy in this room. Let’s go out to have some fresh __________ .
2. There was too much rain water in the last wet season. The __________ of the water caused the dam to burst.
3. It is a __________ impossibility to be in two places at once.
4. There are several reasonable priced dresses here. Is there any __________ colour you would prefer?
5. The government always __________ more job opportunities for young people to overcome unemployment.
6. While dancing, Paramita __________ her body very gracefully.
7. Everyone knows that iron is __________ than wood.
8. The manager bought new machines to __________ the old ones.
9. The man has lost a lot of weight because of his illness. He is ten kilos __________ than he used to.
10. Julia Robert is a well- __________ actress in America.
11. Her voice usually __________ to a whisper when she tells a secret to someone else.
12. Put your __________ clothes before you go out to play in the snow.
13. Do you know how __________ Mt. Everest is?
14. I had a traffic jam four hours yesterday; but mother was feeling __________ when I got home.
15. We often have a heavy fall of __________ in winter.
Task 4.
Match the phenomena with the explanation.
A Eclipse 1. It occurs when water is contaminated by such substances as human and other animal wastes, toxic (poisonous) Chemical, metals, and oils.
B Earthquake 2. It occurs when wastes dirty the air. People produce most of the wastes that cause air pollution.
C Flood 3. It is a shaking of a ground cause by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of the earth’s rocky outer shell.
D Air Pollution 4. It is a body of water that covers normally dry land.
E Water Pollution 5. It occurs when the shadow of one object in space falls on another object or when one object moves in front of another to block its light.
2. Speech Function
2.1. Giving order
Task 5.
Read These conversations and answer the question!
a. Situations : Mr. Thomson and his secretary are talking at his office.
Mr. Thomson : I’d like to have a meeting in our new office tomorrow. I’ll be there for some days.
Secretary : What shall I do, Sir?
Mr. Thomson : Send a message that I’ll arrive at about nine.
Secretary : At your service, Sir. How about Mr. Alex, will he come with you?
Mr. Thomson : Well, I suggest him to join since I need someone to accompany me.
Secretary : That’s good suggestion, Sir.
Mr. Thomson : Katty, don’t forget to make notes about all, call for me and everything that has
happened during I am away.
Secretary : I’ll remember it, Sir.
Mr. Thomson : Good.
1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. Who gives orders to someone else?
3. Where will Mr. Thomson go?
4. What time will Mr. Thomson arrive at the new office?
5. Who is going to accompany Mr. Thomson?
6. What is the name of the secretary?
b. Situation : In the classroom, Mr. Smith an English teacher is telling his students about the result of the test.
Teacher : Hi, class. I want to tell you about the result of the test.
Student : Yes, Sir.
Teacher : In general, the result is good. But I want Andrew and Daniel come to me.
Andrew and
Daniel : Yes, Sir.
Teacher : I found the mistake in your tests are exactly the same. I assumed both of you
cheated from one another. Did you do it Daniel?
Daniel : No, that not true.
Teacher : So, who cheated then?
Daniel : You’d better ask Andrew, Sir?
Teacher : Andrew?
Andrew : Sorry, Sir. I did it because I didn’t prepare for the test.
Teacher : That’s good, you admitted that. Don’t do it again next time.
Andrew : OK, Sir.
1. What does Mr. Smith want to do in the classroom?
2. Why does Mr. Smith want to see Andrew and Daniel?
3. Who cheated in the test?
4. Why did he do it?
5. What does the teacher suggest him?
3. Grammar Focus
Task 6
Learn this explanation
a. General pattern.
Pattern Time Signal
Verb pattern :
(+) S + V1 / S + V1 + s/es
(-) S + do/does + not + V1
(?) Do/does + S + V1
To be pattern
(+) S + is/am/are + adj./adv./noun
(-) S + is/am/are + not+adj./adv./noun
(?) Is/Am/Are S adj./adv./noun
- everyday
- every hour
- every month
- every year
- every Sunday, etc.
Frequency words
- always, often
- usually, generally
- sometimes
- rarely, seldom
- never
B. Function
I. Expressing habitual action or customs
1. I go to school on foot
2. Mother cooks the meal every morning
3. Hermawan is always present at school
4. I am Seldom ill
II. Expressing general truth
1. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West
2. A cow eats grass
3. Ice melts in water
C. Special Note
I He
You + V I She + V I + s/es
We It
I + am He
You She + is
We + are It
D. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms
1. They ___________( tell ) me when they ____________( get ) home every afternoon. They ___________ ( have ) some food and then ___________ ( change ) their clothes, they never ____________ ( eat ) or ____________ ( drink ) anything while they ____________ ( be ) at the office, unless the hot weather ____________ ( make ) them thirsty.
2. The boy ____________ ( say ) that he always ____________ ( listen ) carefully, but ____________ ( do not ) always understand his teacher because they ____________ ( speak ) too quickly and ____________ ( choose ) very difficult words.
3. The children ____________ ( walk ) to school every morning and ____________ ( look ) for their friends on the way, when they ____________ ( see ) them, they ____________ ( run ) to them and ____________ ( laugh ) and ____________ ( play ) and ____________ ( enjoy ) themselves until the school bell ____________ ( ring )
4. The man ____________ ( go ) to work by train everyday. He ____________ ( stay ) in the train for half an hour and ____________ ( sit ) or ____________ ( stand ) there and ____________ ( read ) his newspaper. He ____________ ( try ) to read all the news during the journey and in that way, he ____________ ( know ) a lot about the topics of the day.
5. Peter always ____________ ( come ) to school early. He ____________ ( be ) very diligent, so he ____________ ( be ) clever, but he ____________ ( not be ) selfish. His friends ____________ ( like ) him because he ____________ ( be ) helpful, as well.
Task 7
The phrase is called noun phrase. In Indonesia “ noun Phrase “ is “ sekelompok kata yang mempunyai satu unit pengertian dan secara keseluruhan berfungsi sebagai kata benda. “ here is the order pattern.
Determiner Descriptive Adjective Size Age / Temperature Participle Shape Colour Origin / Location
Head Word
Demonstratives Ordinal Cardinal Enumerator
that first
some two
a lot of happy
etc old
etc boring
etc round
etc red
etc African
etc iron
etc car
Answer the following questions. Put the adjectives in the correct order !
1. A : He bought a book. The book is red. It is interesting. It is small. What did he buy ?
B : He bought a small interesting red book
2. A : she has three children. They are tall. They are fat. Which children are hers ?
B : ____________________________________ are hers.
3. A : Sutomo has a house. It is made of wood. It is beautiful. It is new. What does Sutomo have ?
B : ________________________________________________
4. A : Siti is carrying an umbrella. It is beautiful. It is red. It is made of cloth. What is Siti carrying ?
B : ________________________________________________
5. A : My parents bought a car. It is an apple green. It is new. It is small. What did my parents buy ?
B : ________________________________________________
6. A : Mr. and Mrs. Kandow have two sons. They are naughty. They are short. What do Mr. and Mrs. Kandow have ?
B : ________________________________________________
7. A : He can’t drive the car. It is old. It is broken. It is grey. What can’t he drive ?
B : ________________________________________________
8. A : The child is playing with a doll. It is made of rubber. It is small it is nice. What is the child playing with ?
B : ________________________________________________
9. A : He wrote many novels. They are new. They are interesting. What did he write ?
B : ________________________________________________
10. A : The girl won the beauty contest. She is beautiful. She is tall. Who won the beauty contest ?
B : ________________________________________________
11. A : Tommy is playing with a ball. It is red. It is round. It is big. What is Tommy playing with ?
B : ________________________________________________
12. A : The girl comes from Australia. She is pretty. She is young. She is slim. Which girl comes from Australia ?
B : ________________________________________________
13. A :The man is a writer. He is productive. He is young. What is the man ?
B : ________________________________________________
14. A : Martin is a film star. He is handsome. He is tall. He is will-built( = tegap ).
B : ________________________________________________
15. A :He threw away the shoes. They are worn-out ( = rusak ). They are old. They are brown. What did he throw away ?
B : ________________________________________________
C. Nouns and Abstract Nouns
Task 8
We found some nouns such as desert, tree, earth and spring. Those are called proper nouns, means that we can see the shape and the form of the nouns.
Besides, we also found word such as environment, vegetation, temperature and dehydration. Those are called abstract nouns, means those words belong to nouns but they are unreal. It is a kind of concept that out of our sense to detect. Here is the pattern to arrange abstract noun.
No. Figure of Speech Suffixes Final Formation
1. Verbs
Direct - ion
Argue - ment
3. Adjectives
Curious - ity
4. Adjectives
Ugly - ness
5. Nouns
Member - ship
6. Nouns
Child - hood
7. Nouns / adjectives
Free - dom
Change the words into abstract nouns by using the appreciated suffixes !
No. Root Words Abstract Nouns No. Root Words Abstract Nouns
10. Collect
20. Object
Task 9
Complete the sentences by using the abstract nouns you made in task 8.
Example : The man is a priest. When did he enter the ____________
The man is a priest. When did he enter the priesthood
1. The ____________ for the criminal was ten years in prison.
2. The boy entered a vocational school to get his secondary ____________.
3. I am filled with wonder at the ____________ of giving a child so much money.
4. When she turned off the light, the room was suddenly got into complete ____________.
5. The paintings which are being shown in the exhibition come from his private ____________.
6. I am not a baby any more, but I can’t remember my ____________.
7. Playing tennis in the afternoon is his sport ____________ after doing his work.
8. I am sorry for telling the bad news, but it is not my ____________ to make you sad.
9. Iwan is a good friend. I can never repay his ____________ to me.
10. Father had no ____________ when I said to him that I’d like to get a job after finishing my study.
B. Modeling of Text
Task 10
Observe the explanation text !
Title How Desert Remains Dry
General Statement These are three possible reason why desert remain dry. These are high mountain barrier, cold ocean current and high pressure system.
Sequenced Explanation Mountain Barrier
When warm air passes over the ocean it pick up moisture in the form of water vapor and this moist air travels over mountain ranges. When begins to rise, the air cool and this causes the water vapor to condense into droplets which falls as rain. When the air reaches the other side of the mountain barrier, it has lost all moisture and so the other side of the mountain remains dry.
Sequenced Explanation Cold Ocean Current
Air passing over old ocean current is cooled and therefore is unable to pick up and hold much moisture. When this cold air mass reaches the warm desert, any moisture in the air is evaporated and so does not fall as rain and so the desert remains dry.
Sequenced Explanation High Pressure System
In a high pressure system, the air is dry and moving downwards. As this system moves over the land, it draws in moisture from the land surface. Consequently, the moisture does not fall as rain and so the desert remains dry.
Task 11
Understanding the structure of the text. Answer the question !
1. What is the genre of the text ?
2. What is the purpose of the text ?
3. What is the generic structure / the organization of the text ?
4. What kind of tense is mainly used in the text ?
5. Why the tense used in the text ?
Task 12
Understanding the content of the text. Answer the question !
1. What does the text tell about ?
2. How many factors make the desert remain dry ? what are they ?
3. …………… it pick up moisture in the form of water vapor. ( par 2 ) what does the word “ it “ refer to ?
4. What causes the water vapor to condense into droplets ?
5. Why does the other side of the mountain remain dry ?
6. What happens when the old air mass reaches the warm desert ?
7. What draws in the moisture from the land surface ?
8. What happens then ?
Task 13
Observe the summary about explanation text !
Explanation Text
A. Definition
Explanation text tells how and why things occur in scientific and technical fields
B. Social Function
To explain the process involved in the information or working of natural or socio cultural phenomena
C. Text Organization
A general statement to position the reader
A sequences explanation of why or how something occurs
D. Language Features
Focus on generic, non-human participants
Use mainly :
a. General and abstract nouns
b. Action verbs
c. Simple present tense
d. Passive voice
e. Conjunction of time and cause
f. Noun phrase
g. Adverbial phrase
h. Technical language
Task 14
Observe The diagram
Based on the diagram, tell your friends about “ how the rain is formed “
Example :
Good morning, dear friends, today I would like to tell you about “ how the rain is formed “. In the rainy season, we often get wet of rain, don’t we ? Now I’ll tell you why it happens.
Task 15
Fill in the blank with the generic structure / the organization of the text !
How a Spider’s Web Forms
A spider web looks delicate but it is very strong. It can hold 4000 times a spider’s weight. But how does it form ?
First the spider spin a thread of silk. The thread get blown over to a branch by the wind. Then she makes another two threads and makes a Y shape. Next she makes more threads and they look like spokes off wheel. Then spider goes in a spiral, out and back in, sits in the middle and waits for food
This is how a web is formed.
Task 16
Answer the following questions based on the text !
1. It can hold 4000 times a spider’s weight. ( par 1)
What does the word “ it “ refer to ?
2. A spider web looks delicate ….
“ delicate “ has similar meaning to
3. What does the spider firstly do when it makes its web ?
4. What does she do next ?
5. Where does she sit when its web is completely made ?
Task 17
Read the text carefully !
Here are a few helpful hints about American table manners.
Always place your napkin on your lap. Never put your napkin on the table during the meal. Do not begin to eat until everyone is served. Do not eat with your elbows on the table. It is very impolite to bend over your plate as you eat. Never “ slurp “ your soup. Americans are shocked by “ noise “.
Dinner conversation is important in US. You should take a part in the conversation, but not when your mouth is full. Do not wave your knife an fork in the air. Please remember that Americans do not use toothpicks at the table.
Unfortunately not all Americans have good table manners.
With good manners, you will always culturally correct.
Task 18
State whether the statements are true or false. No. 1 has been done for you.
8. Table manners are hints about proper behavior while eating at a table with other
Placing your napkin on your lap is not necessary
It is suggested to begin to eat together with others
Don’t bend your plate as you eat
Slurp your soup as fast as possible
It is important to take a part in the conversation during this dinner
It is impolite to wave your knife and fork in the air as you talk
There are toothpicks at the table True
Task 1
Observe the text carefully !
How does an Oil Refinery Work ?
Before crude oil can be used it has to be processed in a refinery and converted into many different products. Oil is first distilled, which breaks it down into gas, petrol, paraffin, lubricating oil, diesel and other fuel oil asphalt. This is done by heating the crude oil, which is then pumped to the bottom of a tall steel tube which is called a fractionating tower. This tower is divided into compartments all the way up and the very hot petroleum enters the bottom of the tower as a vapour. Crude oil is made up of a number of different ingredients and each of these boils and vaporises at a different temperature. The vapour at the bottom of the tower are the hottest and those at the higher levels are cooler. At the bottom of each compartment in the tower are trays and the different vapours condense, or turn into liquid, on the trays at different levels.
Petrol collect in the top trays, paraffin condenses a little lower down and the other oils becomes liquids at even lower levels. In this ways, the crude oil is separated into the various fractions, which are drawn off ready for further refining.
Task 2
Write down the passive forms you take from the text !
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________
Grammar Focus
Task 3
Expressing Passive Voice
Observe the Pattern below !
1. a. Simple Present Tense
1. Mother cooks the meals
2. They drink coffee
b. Simple Past Tense
1. Sinta bought Apples
2. I wrote a letter
2. a. Present Continuous Tense
1. He is reading a book
2. Ani is frying eggs
b. Past Continuous Tense
1. Ali was repairing the car
2. I was doing the test
3. a. Present perfect Tense
1. He has posted the letters
2. Father has drunk tea
b. Past Perfect Tense
1. We had paid the fee
2. Ria had made a cake
4. a. Present Future Tense
1. He will buy a house
2. John will visit them
a. Past Future Tense
1. I would meet her
2. Anna would send the book
5. Modals
1. a. Simple Present Tense
1. The meals is cooked by mother
2. Coffee is drunk by them
b. Simple Past Tense
1. Apples were bought by Sinta
2. A letter was written by me
2. a. Present Continuous Tense
1. A book is being read by him
2. Eggs are being fried by Ani
b. Past Continuous Tense
1. The car was being repaired by Ali
2. The test was being done by me
3. a. Present perfect Tense
1. The letters have been posted by him
2. Tea has been drunk by father
b. Past Perfect Tense
1. The fee had been paid by us
2. cake had been made by Ria
4. a. Present Future Tense
1. A house will be bought by him
2. They will be visited by John
b. Past Future Tense
1. She would be met by me
2. The book would be sent by Anna
5. modals
Notes :
1. Object or Active voice becomes Subject of Passive voice
Verb – active becomes Verb – passive ( see the tables )
Subject of Active voice becomes Agent ( pelengkap pelaku )
2. Unimportant agents can be omitted
Example :
1. He repaired the bicycle
- The bicycle was repaired
2. People must build a new bridge
- A new bridge must be built
3. “ shall “ which means “ akan “ is only used for the subjects : I / We.
Task 4
Turn into the passive voice !
1. The student are doing the exercise in the class room now
2. Someone has stolen the books from the library
3. People built the strong bridge five years ago
4. Olivia was studying English at 7 yesterday morning
5. Father reads the newspapers everyday
6. They finished the work on time last Monday
7. The girl has opened the windows this morning
8. The boy pays the school fee every month
9. The children visited the zoo last week
10. Someone may call a taxi for you
11. The servant is washing the clothes in the bath room
12. The man will build a new house here next month
13. People wear warm clothes in winter
14. We can make a delicious meal in a few minutes
15. Mother bought some apples in the market yesterday
Task 5
Choose the right answer by crossing a,b,c,d,or e !
1. Adi : Why does the baby next door keep crying ?
Susy : As usual, it ____________ by the baby sister.
a. is neglecting d. is to be neglected
b. is neglected e. was neglected
c. neglects
2. Indra : Mr. Anwar looks very happy today
Wawan : Don’t you know he ____________ to general manager
a. has promoted d. have been promoted
b. promoted e. has been promoted
c. to be promoted
3. Ira : May I borrow your laptop ?
Tita : Certainly, but what’s wrong with yours ?
Ira : It ____________ now
a. is being repaired d. has been repaired
b. is repaired e. repaired
c. will repaired
4. Yuyun : What happened to your skirt ?
Vina : Oh, ____________ when I jumped over the fence.
a. it tore d. to be torn
b. it was torn e. it tears
c. it will tear
5. Harris : How old is the mosque ?
The man : Well, it ____________ in 1870
a. builds d. is built
b. built e. was built
c. has been built
6. Customer : I want the red dress displayed in the window yesterday
Salesgirl : I am sorry, it ____________
a. is selling d. is sold
b. sold e. have been sold
c. has been sold
7. Because of the heavy rain, the city ____________ for several days last month
a. flooded d. was flooded
b. will be flooded e. is flooding
c. must be flooded
8. Andi : You’re not driving your car
Iwan : No, ____________
a. it was repaired d. it is being repaired
b. it have been repaired e. it repairs
c. it repaired
9. People eat rice in Indonesia
We can also say : Rice ____________ in Indonesia
a. is eaten d. has eaten
b. was eaten e. will be eaten
c. is being eaten
10. Don’t drink the water, it is poisonous.
It means the water cannot be ____________
a. drink d. drinking
b. drank e. drunk
c. drinks
Task 6
Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Tense. No. 1 has been done for you.
Tsunamis (1) occur ( occur ) when a major fault under the ocean floor suddenly (2) ____________ ( slip ). The displaced rock (3) ____________ ( push ) water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water waves at the ocean surface.
The ocean waves (4) ____________ ( spread ) out from the vicinity of the earthquake source and move across the ocean until they (5) ____________ ( reach ) the coastline, where their height (6) ____________ ( increase ) as they reach the continental shelf, the part of the earth’s crust that slopes, or rises from the ocean floor up to the land.
Tsunamis (7) ____________ ( wash ) ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to drowning and damage to property.
A tsunami (8) ____________ ( be ) a very large sea wave that (9) ____________ ( be ) generated by a disturbance along the ocean floor. This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide or a volcanic eruption
A tsunami (10) ____________ ( be ) undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it (11) ____________ ( reach ) shallow water, this fast-traveling wave grows very large.
Task 7
Turn the sentences below into the negative ant the interrogative forms
1. The student go to school on foot
2. The woman cooks the meals in the kitchen
3. They are very happy now
4. The teacher explains the lesson clearly
5. Rini is at home every evening
6. The dog barks loudly at night
7. People make baskets of rattan in Kalimantan
8. He knows how to finish the work
9. The boys plays football in the field
10. The man sells mangoes in the market everyday
Speech Functions
Expressing promise
Task 8
Read these conversations and answer the questions
a. Situation : This morning when Ani entered the living room she found her favorite vase broken. She asked Nancy and Gery about it.
Ani : Wow, my favotite vase has broken. Who has done it Nancy ?
Nancy : Are you accusing me ?
Ani : No, I’m just asking you
Nancy : How about asking Gery ?
Ani : Gery, did you break my vase ?
Gery : Yes, but I did it accidentally. Sorry, it’s my fault. But don’t worry, I’ll buy a new one for you
Ani : Alright, but I want the similar one
Gery : O.K. I promise
1. Whose vase has broken ?
2. Did Nancy break the vase ?
3. Who broke the vase ?
4. Did he do it on purpose ?
5. What did he promise to Ani ?
b. Situation : Nina’s computer is out of order. She wonders who has done it
Nina : My computer is out of order it doesn’t work who has done it ?
Popy : I have no idea
Nina : But you often play with it
Popy : I just play with it not break it
Nina : Right, but you are the only one who could have done it
1. How many persons are there in the dialogue ?
2. Why does Nina’s computer not work ?
3. Who often plays with the computer ?
4. Is it possible that she made it out of order ?
5. Did she confess to make it out of order ?
Task 9a
Rearrange these paragraphs into the right order of explanation text !
Nuclear Energy
1. These activities require extremely sophisticated an interactive industrial processes and many specialized
2. The fission process releases heat, which it uses to produce steam to drive a turbine to generate electricity
3. The production of a reliable supply of electricity from nuclear fission requires mining, milling and transporting uranium, enriching uranium ( increasing the percentage of the uranium isotope U-235 ) and packing it in appropriate form building and maintaining the reactor and associated generating equipment and treating and disposing of spent fuel
4. The operation of a nuclear reactor and the related electricity-generating equipment is only one part of an inter connected set activities
5. Nuclear energy is generated by the splitting, or fission of atoms of uranium or heavier elements
Task 9b
Answer the following questions !
1. Mention the organization / the generic structure of the text ?
2. What is the purpose of the text ?
3. What tense is mostly used in the text ?
4. Find the passive constructions in the text !
5. How do people generate nuclear energy ?
6. What does the fission process release ?
7. What is used to produce steam to drive a turbine to generate electricity ?
Cross a, b, c, d, or e for the right answer.
Text 1
Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate for? In this article we’ll enter the amazing world for chocolate so you can understand exactly what you’re eating.
Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in place such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree’s seeds, also known as cacao beans.
The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavor. Different beans from different place have different qualities and flavor, so the are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao beans bean from its shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs from liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.
1. The text is about ….
a. the cacao tree
b. the cacao beans
c. the raw chocolate
d. the making of chocolate
e. the flavor of chocolate
2. The third paragraph focuses on ….
a. the process of producing chocolate
b. how to produce the cacao flavor
c. where chocolate comes from
d. the chocolate liquor
e. the cacao fruit
3. “ …., so the are often sorted and blended to produce ….” ( Paragraph 3 )
The underline word is close in meaning to ….
a. arranged
b. combined
c. separated
d. distributed
e. organized
4. How does the chocolate maker start to make chocolate?
a. By fermenting the beans.
b. By roasting the beans.
c. By blending the beans.
d. By sorting the beans.
e. By drying the beans.
Text 2
Wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper product from the forest. The wood chipping process begins when the trees are cut down is in selected area of the forest called a couple.
Next, the top and branches of the trees are cut out and the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill, the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper, which cut them into small pieces called woodchip. The woodchips are the screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage, the are either exported in this from or made into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.
Finally, the pulp is rolled out to make paper.
5. The text describes the process of ….
a. cutting down the forest
b. producing woodchip
c. paper making
d. wood chipping
e. reforestation
6. What do the mill workers first do with the logs?
a. They export the woodchip.
b. The cut them into pieces.
c. They roll out the paper.
d. The remove the bark.
e. The screen the logs.
7. “At this stage, they are either exported in this from or ….” ( Paragraph 2 )
The underlined word refer to ….
a. logs
b. pulp
c. process pulp
d. raw woodchips
e. clean woodchip
8. “ The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities.”
( Paragraph 2 )
In other word, they are ….
a. repaired
b. cleaned
c. moved
d. removed
e. processed
Text 3
Nearly all energy is derived from the sun, either indirectly or directly, in the form of the form of heat rays and light rays. Electrical energy is derived from the sun indirectly. It can be derived from the power of the earth’s surface, by mean of the sun’s heat. This water vapour rises, condenses on cooling, and falls as rain.
The light and heat energy from coal is also derived indirectly from the sun. Coal was formed by the pressure of the rocks on vegetation which died million of years ago. That vegetation grew with the aid of sunlight, from which carbohydrates were formed, thus converting solar energy into chemical energy. When coal is burn some of this energy is released.
Energy used to drive car engines is derived from petrol, which is also formed with the indirect aid of the sun. Plants and animal were pressed under the rocks in the earth. These dead animals and vegetables remains formed petroleum, from which petrol and oil are now obtained.
Thus the sun can be said to be source of nearly all energy, and in the absence of the sun’s heat and light, no life could exist on earth.
9. The most suitable title for the text is ….
a. solar energy
b. electrical energy
c. fossil fuel energy
d. light and heat energy
e. sources of energy
10. Where does energy come from originally?
It comes from ….
a. the sun
b. the electricity
c. the coal
d. the petrol
e. head and light rays
11. The following is an example of the use of solar energy in a straight way. That is ….
a. the evaporation of the water on the earth’s surface
b. the producing of electrical energy using waterfall
c. the forming the petrol and coal
d. the pressure of diet plants and animals
e. the burning of petrol and coal
12. Which statement is true according to the text?
a. Rain directly produces electrical energy.
b. The water on the earth’s surface evaporate due to the sun’s heat.
c. One result of electrical energy is the power of water falling down a mountain side.
d. The water vapour condenses because of the sunlight.
e. The sun energy is indirectly derived from the power of the waterfall.
13. What was coal derived from? Coal was derived from ….
a. the sun
b. the rocks
c. vegetation
d. animals
e. plants and animals
14. Which the statement is not true according to the text?
a. Coal can produce light and heat energy.
b. To from carbohydrates, vegetation needs sunlight.
c. Rock put pressure on plants and animals that died millions of years ago. Now the plants and the animals have become coal.
d. The sun helped to from coal indirectly.
e. When we burn coal, some of the energy is set free.
15. “Coal was formed by the pressure of the rocks on vegetation which ….”
“vegetation” means ….
a. plants and animals
b. vegetables and animals
c. fruit and vegetables
d. plant and trees
e. grass and vegetables
16. What formed petroleum?
a. petrol and oil
b. rocks
c. the pressure of rocks
d. dead plant and animal remains
e. vegetation remains
17. The water on the earth’s surface evaporates because of ….
a. sun energy
b. electrical energy
c. coal heat energy
d. petroleum energy
e. waterfall energy
18. “…. Thus converting solar energy into chemical energy.” ( Paragraph 2 )
“converting” means ….
a. producing
b. changing
c. consuming
d. conversing
e. converging
19. The following statements are true, except ….
a. rain is formed by two processes: evaporation and condensation.
b. the sun helps form petrol directly.
c. coal was derived from vegetation.
d. the sun’s heat evaporates the water on the earth’s surface.
e. coal can produce light and heat energy.
20. In the absence of the sun heat and light, no life could exist on the earth.
The sentence has the same meaning as ….
a. there could not be sun heat and light, without the life on the earth.
b. the life could exist on the earth if the sun heat and light were absent.
c. if the sun heat and light exist, there would be no life.
d. there could not be any life on earth without the sun heat and light.
e. if not life could exist on earth, the sun heat and light would absent.
Text 4
Why do Volcanoes Erupt?
A volcanic eruption occurs when hot, liquid rock from far beneath the earth’s surface bursts outward through an opening in the earth’s crust. A volcano that is eruption is said to be ‘active’. An ‘ extinct’ volcano is one which will not erupt again.
There are active volcanoes in many parts of the world, both on land and under the ocean. As gases in the liquid rock or ‘magma’ build up pressure, they force the magma upward through the vent of the volcano.
The magma bursts through an opening in the surface of the earth called a crater, together with ash, smoke, and steam. The magma is now called lava. The lava oozes down the outside of the volcano, where it cools and hardens in layers to from the volcano’s ‘cone’.
21. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. To describe volcanoes.
b. To give readers information about volcanoes.
c. To explain why volcanoes erupt.
d. To convince that volcanic eruption had happed.
e. To share information about volcanoes.
22. What is the name given to volcanoes that not longer erupt?
a. active volcanoes
b. dead volcanoes
c. extinct volcanoes
d. dangerous volcanoes
e. old volcanoes
23. What happens after the gases in the magma build up pressure?
a. The volcanoes become an active volcanoes.
b. The magma burst through a crater.
c. Ash, smoke and steam burst through a crater.
d. The gases force the magma upward through the vent of volcanoes.
e. The magma was force by the pressure upward through the vent of the volcanoes.
24. The following items are included of the text above, except ….
a. focus on generic, human participants
b. simple present tense
c. general nouns
d. abstract nouns
e. conjunction of time and close
25. The lava oozes down the outside of the volcano, …. ( the last sentence ).
The word ‘oozes’ has the similar meaning with ….
a. spreads out
b. runs
c. climbs
d. increases
e. passes slowly
26. …., they force the magma upward through the vent of the volcano.
The word ‘they’ refers to ….
a. active volcanoes
b. liquid rocks
c. smoke
d. gases
e. layers
Text 5
Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all the water get into the sky?
Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot water. The steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows, and then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows.
The word is like your bathroom. The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds of kilometers. The clouds meet the cold air in the sky, then we’ll see drop of water. The drops of water are rain.
The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into oceans. And the water from oceans changes into clouds and become rain. So water is always moving from oceans to clouds to rain to river to oceans.
27. The text describes ….
a. how rain falls
b. what steam is
c. the formation of rain
d. the changing of clouds to rain
e. how the steam changes into clouds
28. Which of the following is the right sequence in the formation of rain?
a. cloud – rain – water – steam
b. steam – cloud – rain – water
c. water – steam – cloud – rain
d. rain – steam – cloud – water
e. water – cloud – steam – rain
29. In what way is the world like your bathroom?
a. In their function.
b. In how to make the water hot.
c. In changing the water into rain.
d. In the sequence of their formation.
e. In the formation of small drops of water.
30. What will happen if the cloud carried by the wind meet the cold air in the sky?
It will become ….
a. drops of water
b. heavy rain
c. cold water
d. floods
e. clouds
31. Beni : You must lift this bag.
Budi : Yes, Sir.
The underlined sentence expresses….
a. Eagerness c. possibility e. giving order
b. asking information d. capability
32. Budi : What is it?
Beni : It is “tape”. A traditional Javanese snack. It ……….of cassava
a. Made c. is made e. has been made
b. Makes d. was made
33. Budi : How these rock formed?
Beni : The rocks ………..by the pressure of natural forces for thousand years.
a. is formed c. was formed e. will be formed
b. are formed d. were formed
34. Beni : I ………to school everyday.
Budi : don’t you have any motorbike?
a. am riding my bike c. rides my bike e. ridden my bike
b. ride my bike d. rode my bike
35. Beni : …..Andi……..milk everyday?
Budi : Yes. He does.
a. does, drinks c. does, drunk e. does, drink
b. does, drank d. does, drinking
(Spoken Discussion)
A. Building Knowledge of the Field
A.1. Brainstorming
Activity 1
Answer these questions.
1. What picture is it?
2. What do you see in the picture?
3. Do you think the houses are rural or crowded?
4. Do you think the air is still fresh?
5. What do you think of living in that condition?
Activity 2.
Answer these questions
1. What picture is it?
2. What do you see in the picture?
3. Do you think the houses are rural or crowded?
4. Do you think the air is still fresh?
5. What do you think of living in that condition?
Activity 3.
Complete this paragraphs with the words provided.
Two students were ………… the school’s new rule that all the students must wear a cap and tie. One of them showed her ………... She said that wearing a cap and tie was only ………… for a flag ceremony. So, she was against the rule. ………… to the girl’s opinion, the other student was glad with it. He said that he didn’t mind with the new rule ………… wearing a cap and tie will make the students look great and like real educated persons. The first student gave the reasons that they would feel ………… and hot. Moreover, the classrooms were nor air conditioned. The second said it wasn’t a big ………… . He was sure that the students would wear them ………… . They would surely be used to it anyway.
Activity 4.
Discuss with your friends. Mention the advantages of living in a city and in a village. List them in the following table.
No Living in a city No Living in a village
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
A.2. Grammar Functions
A.2.1. Connectives of Contrast
Connectives of contrast mean the words that are used to connect sentences which have contrastive meaning.
They are however, although, even though, though, even if, despite, and despite of.
For example:
He never gives donation.
He never gives donation even though he is a rich man.
He is a rich man.
The following are the complete examples. Pay attention to their position in a sentence.
No Connectives Examples
1 However They play basket ball well. However, they cannot win the game.
2 Although Although they play basket ball well, they cannot win the game.
3 Even though They cannot win the game even though they play basket ball well.
4 Though They cannot win the game. They play basket ball well, though.
5 Even if They cannot win the game even if they play basket ball well.
1 Despite Despite playing basket ball well, they cannot win the game.
2 In spite of In spite of playing basket ball well, they cannot win the game.
Even though are followed by sentences.
Even if
are followed by noun phrase or gerund.
In spite of
Activity 5.
Use the appropriate contrastive connectives to fill in the blank.
1. My sister keeps trying to talk anything. The program is contrastive with his heart, …………… .
2. …………… some failures, she never gave up to protect the animal from the hunters.
3. The old people in the village refused to get injection against cholera …………… three people have died of it.
4. …………… having done everything, his girl friend couldn’t forgive him.
5. The patient has done chemotherapy for two years. He, ………….., never gets recover from the cancer.
6. …………… he has a lot of saving money in a bank. He never donates poor people around him.
7. …………… I have an old motorcycle, I never shy with that.
A.2.2. Causative
Activity 7.
Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
Mark : What are you doing, Twain? You look so busy.
Twain : Yes. I am finishing my English homework. The teacher will have me collect it tomorrow.
Mark : Why do you write it many times? I think you should write it only once.
Twain : Actually you’re right. My teacher had the students finish the homework yesterday but I couldn’t do that. So, he gets me to write it five times as a punishment.
Mark : Oh that’s too bad. Why couldn’t you finish it yesterday? It must be very difficult homework.
Twain : I don’t think so. I couldn’t finish it yesterday because my father makes me accompany my uncle to have sightseeing all day. After that I felt very tired and went sleeping.
Mark : I see what your problem is.
1. Who are Mark and Twain?
2. What is Mark doing?
3. What did the teacher ask to Mark?
4. Did Mark finish the homework on time?
5. Why couldn’t Mark finish his homework?
6. What punishment did the teacher give to Mark?
7. What did Mark do after accompanying his uncle?
Activity 8.
Study the following information
Causative HAVE and GET
Causative “HAVE” adalah susunan kalimat dengan menggunakan “HAVE” yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan yang dikerjakan oleh orang lain untuk sang “subyek”. Jadi, kata “have “ ini bermakna menyuruh atau memerintah. Selain kata “have” kata lain yang mengandung makna serupa adalah “GET”.
Hanya saja penerapan dalam kalimat mempunyai perbedaaan pola.
Kata MAKE, HAVE, LET diikuti oleh V1.
Kata GET, ASK, TELL diikuti oleh To V1.
Causative have dan get dengan OBYEK AKTIF Causative have dan get dengan OBYEK PASIF
S + have + O 1 + V1 + O2
Robert has his friends bring the bag.
The boy had the girl tell the truth.
S + have + O + V3
Robert has the bag brought.
The boy had the truth told.
Robert gets the bag brought.
The boy got the truth told.
S + get + O 1 + to V1 + O2
Robert gets his friends to help him.
The boy got the girl to tell the truth.
Makna dari sebuah causative adalah :
Example : The farmer has the field ploughed.
It means :
The farmer asks someone to plough the field.
Activity 9.
Example : Mother has my sister ………… the floor. (sweep)
Mother has my sister sweep the floor.
Mother gets my sister ………… the floor. (sweep)
Mother gets my sister to sweep the floor.
1. I will get my dog …………… the newspaper. (bring)
2. Father has my brother …………… a pack of cigarettes. (buy)
3. We never get her ……………an appointment with her boss. (make)
4. I have just had the boy …………… the letter. (send)
5. Nobody had your uncle …………… his health. (check)
6. I will get the tailor …………… my trousers. (shorten)
7. They make the manager …………… the decision. (take)
8. The researchers let the students …………… their experiments. (analyze)
9. You must get someone …………… the bill. (pay)
10. The headmaster is going to have the gardener …………… the grass. (cut)
Activity 10.
Change the following sentences by using Active Object.
Example : Jabir had the water boiled soon.
Jabir had someone boil the eggs soon.
1. Mother orders the floor cleant everyday.
2. Dina made the car repaired by the yesterday.
3. The manager will get the office decorated next month.
4. We must let the clothes washed cleanly.
5. The lazy student has his homework done.
Activity 11.
Change the following sentences by using Passive Object.
Example : Ahmad got the carpenter to finish the job.
Ahmad got the job finished.
1. We get the translator to translate this English letter.
2. He must make the secretary manage the file.
3. You should ask the contractor to demolish the building.
4. The manager let his staff type the letter.
5. The operator will have the members register their identity.
A.3. Speech Function
A.3.1. Expression of Accusing (Blaming), Denying, and Regretting (Apologizing)
Activity 12.
Observe the picture, and then answer the questions.
Hasan Tommy
1. What does Hasan express?
3. What does Tommy express?
4. Did Albert place a mud in Hasan’s new car?
Activity 13.
Learn these expressions below.
Expression of Accusing Expression of Denying Expression of Regretting
Why do you do this …………?
Why did you …………?
It must be your fault.
You must be responsible for ……..
You must do it.
Don’t deny that you do it. It is not true.
Why do you say like that?
I don’t know anything about that.
I deny that.
It’s not my fault. It’s no use crying over split milk.
I’m sorry for doing that.
Oh, I’m sorry for blaming you.
Activity 14.
Make a transactional dialogue using expression of Accusing, Denying, and Regretting based on the situation given.
1. The flowers in the pot are dry. You blame your sister never waters it. Your sister denies that.
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Your team has lost the game. The coach accuses you because you played badly. You regret it.
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Your father wants to make a bamboo handicraft but he lost the bamboo he has prepared in his room. Your father blames you for this mistake. Actually, you don’t know anything about it.
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Your boss asks you to manipulate the bill tax. You don’t want to do it because it is sin.
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
B. Modelling of Text.
Activity 15.
Read this text. Then answer the questions
Title: Living in a city
Statement of Issue Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages.
Arguments for On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport. So you don’t need to own car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see.
Arguments for For example, you can eat in a good restaurant, visit museum, and go to the theater and to a concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
Arguments against However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in s city is often very expensive.
Arguments against It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
Conclusion/recommendation In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.
(Based on article in The Week-end Australian Magazine, Feb 2005)
Answer the question related to the text organization and language features.
1. What is the purpose of this text?
2. What is the genre of this of text?
3. What is the “issue”?
4. What is explained in the argument “for”?
5. What is explained the argument “against”?
6. What is the content of “Conclusion”?
7. What kind of tense is mostly used in writing this text?
8. Mention some key words which show that the text is belong to a certain genre!
Activity 16.
Answer the question related to the content of the text
1. What is the text about?
2. What are plus side of the city?
3. What are the bad things if we are in the city?
4. What condition can make the transportation in the city uncomfortable?
5. Who prefer peace and fresh air of the countryside?
Activity 17.
Read the summary
C. Joint Construction of Text
Activity 18.
Work in group of three or four. Complete the argument for and the argument against from this discussion text.
Title: Cigarettes, Smokers, and Smoking
Issue Smoking is a bad habit that is very hard to break. Smokers are everywhere. Many people smoke just to socialize, but many others are too addicted to quit. Some people say smoking is exciting but some others say it is harmful.
Arguments for
Arguments against
recommendation Smoking is indeed a serious social problem in our country. The government keeps reminding that smoking is dangerous, not only for smokers themselves, but also for other people in the surroundings (passive smokers). But the warnings do not seem to get any response.
Activity 19.
Present the result in front of the class and give opportunity to other group to comment your result.
D. Independent Construction of Text.
Activity 20.
This time we will do a debate.
We will adopt the Australian Parliament model in this debate.
Before doing the debate. Let study this explanation.
A. Setting
A1 : Affirmative team 1
A2 : Affirmative team 2
A3 : Affirmative team 3 N1 : Negative Team 1
N2 : Negative Team 2
N3 : Negative Team 3
Md : Moderator
Tk : Time Keeper Adj1 : Adjudicator 1
Adj2 : Adjudicator 2
Adj3 : Adjudicator 3
B. Duties of each participant
1. Moderator.
Opens the debate.
Introduce the participants (both teams)
Collects and checks the adjudication
Count and sum up the adjudication (asks the adjudicators to give oral adjudication if necessary)
Announces the winner
Closes the debate
2. Time Keeper
Tells the speaker about time limitation
Gives sign if the time for speaking is over
Announces to the floor if the time for debate is over
3. Adjudicators
Tell the common errors done by the contestants
Give the adjudication
4. Affirmative team (it is usually called as the government team)
Define the statements being proposed (the motion)
Give supporting arguments for the motion proposed
5. Negative team (it is usually called as the opponent team)
Reject the motion proposed by the affirmative team
Give supporting arguments against the issue
Ask the affirmative team to propose new arguments if the issue presented before is not accurate
6. Time allocation
for the primary speech : 7 minutes for each member of the team
for reply speech : 5 minutes for each member of team
C. How it carried out.
1. Moderator
a. Opens the debate.
Good ……..ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the ……..debate. Our debate today will be a match between affirmative and negative teams.
b. Introduces all the participants
> Here are the affirmative teams:
The first speaker is …….
The second speaker is…..
The third speaker is ……
> Here are the negative team:
The first speaker is …….
The second speaker is…..
The third speaker is ……
> Now , we call the speaker from the affirmative team.
The first speaker speaks …….
The second speaker speaks..
The third speaker speaks ……
> Now, we call the reply speaker from negative team.
The first speaker speaks …….
The second speaker speaks..
The third speaker speaks ……
> Now, we call the adjudicators to give oral adjudication
Adjudicators tell the commons errors …
> That’s all of our debate today. Thank you for your attention
2. Time keeper
Tells the speaker about time limitation
Knock : The speaker starts giving argumentation
Knock, knock : 1 minutes left for the speaker
Knock, knock, knock : Time is out for the speaker
3. Affirmative team
a. Define the statements (motion) being proposed:
Example : City is a place which all happiness exist because there is ……………
b. Give supporting arguments for the case.
Example : Living in the city can be the best choice if …………
1. …………
2. …………
3. …………
4. Negative team
a. Reject the motion defined by the affirmative team
Example : I think the reasons given by the affirmative team about plus side of living in the city are incorrect….…
b. Give supporting arguments against the issue.
1. …………
2. …………
Activity 21
Let us do the debate.
Choose one of the following “Topics”
- Should we own cellular phone?
- Internet: allowed or prohibited?
- Must the students wear black shoes and white socks?
(Written Discussion)
A. Building Knowledge of Field
A.1. Brainstorming
Activity 1
Answer the following questions orally. Discuss them with your friends.
1. Do you often discuss problems with your friends?
2. What issues do you discuss?
3. Do you always give your arguments for?
4. Do you always give your arguments against?
5. Why do you discuss those issues?
Activity 2
Complete the following passage with the correct words from the box.
resulting introduced electronically shared require
manually simplified culprits erroneously flaw
Computer Technology
Before computer was (1) ……… everyone was doing writings, recordings, accountings, drawings and so on (2) ……… on papers, blue prints, cardboards and so forth. Stored them in filling cabinets and drawing racks. So if you wanted to do a presentation you had to carry this thick files, or bundle of drawings with you.
With the invention of computer, all these processes are (3) ………. All you have to do is to put your invention, data, letters, designs, manuscripts, and almost everything in your computer and burn it into Compact Disc, which you can just keep in your bag. Another advantage is that you can (4) ……… transfer your works or records to your customers and friends all over the world almost immediately. Some banking and government transactions which (5) ……… to be done in person, now can be done through internet.
However, there are serious (6) ……… in computer systems. There are many incidents where personal data being stolen and used for cheating without the (7) ……… being identified let alone apprehending them.
There are many cases where data wrongly entered by national credit bureau (8) ………. Victim’s applications being rejected because a blacklisted man who (9) ……… the same name with the victim was (10) ……… entered into computers. There are still many complaints from customers about the electronic banking often flawed.
A.2. Speech Function
Asking for Plans, Purposes, Intentions and Expressing Wonder, Hope, and Wishes.
Activity 3
Study the dialogue below and practice with your friend.
Mr. Peter : So you want to marry my daughter.
Max : That’s right, sir.
Mr. Peter : If I give you permission, what is your plan next?
Max : I’m going to apply for a job.
Mr. Peter : I wonder what you can do for a living.
Max : Of course a lot. I intend to go into business.
Mr. Peter : Business? What business?
Max : Export and import of canned food, I hope.
Mr. Peter : You say ‘I hope’. What do you mean “I hope”?
Max : Well, I’m planning it in here. (Points at his head).
Mr. Peter : My goodness, you are offering something uncertain. How can I trust you to live with my daughter? So, how do you intend to keep a wife if you have no income?
Max : I really wish to make money soon, but don’t you think it takes time and needs a process?
Mr. Peter : Then, where are you planning to live?
Max : There’s a house that goes with the job.
Mr. Peter : But, you are out of work and you said you intend to have a business.
Max : No, I mean …Hm…if the business goes well and we have enough money, we’ll buy a house.
Mr. Peter : Good Lord! I won’t allow you to marry my daughter, young man. Period!
Asking for Plans, Intentions, Purposes
Phrases used to ask about plan/intention and aim/purpose:
What’s the plan?
What do we want to achieve?
What’s your intention?
What’s your purpose?
What is it that you want?
Expressing Wonder, Hope or Wish
Phrases used to show wonder/curiousity and hope/wish:
I’m curious…………………
I wonder if…………………
What is it that you want?
I do hope…………………
I really wish………………
Activity 4
Discuss the questions with your friends.
1. Have you ever thought about your future life?
2. How old do you plan to get married?
3. What is your purpose in getting married?
4. Watt do you hope for after getting married?
5. How many children do you plan to have?
Activity 5
Make questions and answers based on the pictures in accordance with the clue given in the brackets. Number one has been done for you.
1. (plan)
Q : What do you want to achieve by 19 January?
A : I wish to review all book 1.
2. (wonder)
Q : ……………………………………………………………………
A : ……………………………………………………………………
3. (hope)
Q : ……………………………………………………………………
A : ……………………………………………………………………
4. (plan)
Q : ……………………………………………………………………
A : ……………………………………………………………………
5. (hope)
Q : ……………………………………………………………………
A : ……………………………………………………………………
6. (wonder)
Q : ……………………………………………………………………
A : ……………………………………………………………………
A.3. Grammar Focus
A.3.1. Relative Pronoun
A relative clause is used to form one sentence from two separate sentences. The relative pronoun replaces one of two identical noun phrases and relates the clauses to each other. The relative pronoun and their uses are listed here:
Pronoun Use in formal English
In speaking, that can be used for people, but not in formal written English.
The relative pronoun completely replaces a duplicated noun phrases. There can be no regular pronoun along with the relative pronoun.
Incorrect : This is the book that I bought it yesterday.
Correct : This is the book that I bought yesterday.
We bought the stereo. The stereo had been advertised at a reduced price. (duplicate noun phrase)
We bought the stereo that had been advertised at a reduced price.
Who is used when the noun phrase being replaced is the subject position of the sentence.
Whom is used when it is from the complement position (object)
If you have difficulty deciding whether who or whom should be used, remember the following rule:
……… who + verb ………
……… whom + noun ………
Pay attention to the following sentences!
1. a. The men are angry.
b. The men are in this room.
The men (the men are in this room) are angry.
The men who are in this room are angry.
2. a. The men are angry
b. I don’t like the men.
The men (I don’t like the men) are angry.
The men whom I don’t like are angry.
We also use the form of whom after a preposition. In this case, the preposition should also be moved to position before whom in formal written English.
a. The men are angry.
b. The woman is talking to the men.
The men (the woman is talking to the men) are angry.
The men to whom the woman is talking are angry.
The relative pronoun indicates possession.
1. a. John found a cat.
b. The cat’s leg was broken
John found a cat whose leg was broken.
2. a. Joni has received a promotion.
b. Joni’s father is the manager of the company.
Joni whose father is the manager of the company has received a promotion.
Activity 8
Complete the following sentences with who, that, whose, which, or whom.
1. John bought a camera …… has three lenses.
2. She is the one …… knows the problem.
3. Jane is the woman …… is going to China next week.
4. I met the girl …… daughter is in our class.
5. Mr. Brian …… team has lost the game looks very sad.
6. The dress …… Mrs. John wears is new.
7. The teacher …… we like very much live in Jogja.
8. The dentist is with a child …… teeth are causing some problem.
9. I saw the film …… made me cry.
10. Teachers…… don’t spend enough time on class preparation often have difficulty explaining new lesson.
Activity 9
Combine the pairs of sentences using relative pronouns.
2. Did you hear the news? The news are reported by reporter.
3. The girl is a secretary. She is wearing a brown uniform.
4. She is a nice girl. I met her yesterday.
5. Elo is a great singer. His song will make hi famous.
6. James bought a boat. The boat cost thirty thousand dollars.
B. Text Modeling
Activity 10
Read this text then answer he questions.
There was a lot of discussion about whether boxing should be banned
The people who agree with this idea, such as Sarah, claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear something to protect their heads. The also argue that people who have brain damage and get seriously hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that have died did have families.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Another group of people believe that boxing should not be banned. They say why was it invented if it is such a dangerous sport. A further reason is that if they ban boxing it will ruin people careers.
After looking at the different point of view and the evidence for them I think boxing should be banned because five hundred people have died in boxing since 1884.
Activity 11
Answer the following questions!
1. What is the topic of the text?
2. Is boxing a dangerous sport?
3. Who agree that boxing should be banned?
4. Why could people who do boxing have brain damage and get seriously hurt?
5. How many people have died since 1884?
Activity 12
In pairs, discuss the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. What do you call this kind of text?
3. Can you explain in your own words the text organization?
4. What is the “issue”?
5. What does the argument “for” point say?
6. What does the argument “against” point say?
7. What is the conclusion?
8. What do you think of the speaker’s attitude?
Activity 13
In pairs, label the parts of the text!
…………………… Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening possibilities. Scientists are now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory due to the development of gene splicing.
…………………… On the one hand, the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit mankind.
…………………… For example, because it is very expensive to obtain insulin from natural sources, scientists have developed a method to manufacture it inexpensively in the laboratory.
…………………… Another beneficial application of gene splicing is in agriculture.
…………………… Scientists foresee the day when new plants will be developed using nitrogen from the air instead of from fertilizer. Therefore food production could be increased. In addition, entirely new plants could be developed to feed the world’s hungry people.
…………………… Not everyone is excited about gene splicing, however. Some people feel that it could have terrible consequences.
…………………… A laboratory accident, for example, might cause an epidemic of an unknown disease that could wipe out humanity.
…………………… As a result of this controversy, the government has made rules to control genetic experiments. While some members of the scientific community feel that these rules are too strict, many other people feel that they are still not strict enough.
C. Joint Construction of the Text
Activity 14
Rearrange these jumbled paragraphs into a good and meaningful text!
Some children, however, spend most of their time to play games. Those games also bring bad influence to them. The children are often too much exposed to violence in their childhood.
Video games are important to kill children’s boredom, to refresh their mind after a tiring school day. It can make them more creative because the games provide challenging ways to win.
In the USA, a couple of years ago, a student shot his teacher and some of his friends. Newspaper said that the boy was deeply influenced by the actions in the video games he used to play with.
Video games also make children lazy. Most of them prefer playing games to studying.
Nowadays, the video games industry is developing rapidly. It becomes a multi- billion dollar industry. Video games become an important part of not only the children’s life but also the adults. Nevertheless, there is an argument whether video games have good or bad influences on children.
Paragraph 1.
Paragraph 2.
Paragraph 3.
Paragraph 4.
Paragraph 5.
Activity 15
Create the “issue” and the “conclusion” of this text.
The arguments of “for” and “against” are mixed. Separated them and put them in the right places provided below to make a good and meaningful text.
Credit card has many advantages as a means of payment. The most practical benefit of this magical plastic card is that the cardholders don’t need to carry cash. Yet, with all its benefits, having a credit card involves some risks. One is the cardholder’s tendency to spend more money than he or she should, or can afford to. Cards come in handy when wee buy on impulse and may not have enough money with us. With credit cards we can pay for things in an emergency without having to wait for our end-of-the month paycheck. Who isn’t lured by the “buy-now-pay-later” Concept? Actually, when you use a credit card, you buy on credit, which means that you have to pay interest. And like all other bank loans, your debts will swiftly add up when you fail to make the regular monthly payments. Our card even enables us to get a cash in advanced from an authorized bank or from an ATM. And another risk is being overcharged.
Write your composition here:
Title Credit cards: Plus and Minus
Issue .
Argument “for” point
Argument “against” point
Activity 16
Pay attention to the picture and answer the following questions.
1. What is the picture about?
2. What kind of event does the picture explain?
3. Who is main subject?
4. Have you ever seen his show?
5. When did the event take place?
6. Where was the event held?
7. What is told by the picture about the main subject?
8. How much was the ticket?
Poster is a media to give information about the event which will be held in a certain time. The information includes WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and HOW the event be held. The events include film show, play/drama show, or musical show. Poster is made charmingly to attract the people interest to come to the event.
Activity 17
Work in a group of four. Choose one of the following themes. Make a poster to convey your message.
Time of study.
Healthy food.
Natural Conservation.
The Danger of Smoke
D. Independent Construction of the Text
Make a composition of discussion text by choosing one of the topics below:
Is TV good or bad for students?
Is dating alright for high school students?
The controversy of the National Examination.
Is smoking harmful?
Must our government depend on Western countries?
Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e
Text. 1
Family Life in The United States
Family life in the USA is changing 20 years ago the housewife cleaned, cooked, and cared for the children. She was important person in the home. The father earned the money for the family. He was usually out working all day. He came home tired in the evening. So he did not see the children very much, except on weekends. His work at home was usually outside in the yard. The cooking and the cleaning were women only.
These days, however many women work outside the home. They, too, come home tired in the evening. They cannot be at home with their children. They do not want to spend the evening cooking dinner. They do not have time to clean the house or wash the clothes. So who is going to take care of the children now?
For every family, the answer to this question may be different. But usually the wife does not have to do all the work herself. Today she can get help. One kind of help is the day care center. Mother can leave their children at these center during the day. There are toys and games and other children to play with.
01. Andien : What is the main idea of the paragraph two?
Mefi : ……
a. Many women work outside the house.
b. Women came home tired in the evening.
c. Women cannot be at home with their children.
d. Women do not want to spend the evening cooking dinner.
e. Women do not have time to clean the house.
02. Andien : They cannot be at home with their children. (Paragraph 2). The underlined word refers to…
Mefi : the word “They” refers to …
a. Men c. children e. women
b. Woman d. fathers
03. Andiend : Mother can leave their children at these centers during the day.
This idea can be found in paragraph…
Mefi : I think it is in paragraph … .
a. One c. three e. five
b. Two d. four
04. Andien : When did father see the children very often?
Mefi : Father saw their children … .
a. on weekends c. on Tuesday e. on Wednesday
b. everyday d. every night.
05. Which of the following is not true based on the text?
a. Every family in US asks someone to baby-sit their children in their houses.
b. Both men and women are busy nowadays
c. Nowadays, women also earn a living for their family.
d. Day care center is very helpful to take care of children in the US.
e. Family in the US rarely have dinner together at home
Text 2.
Having a Large Family
A marriage couple at present day usually has one or two children only. Comparing to the old time, a family usually has many children; four or five children minimally. Which one is more advantages ? having a few or many children?
For those who support a large family, having a large family get a lot of benefits. When the outing times is come, for example, picnics, visits and trips are much more enjoyable in a larger group. There is also more help available if any work or chores need to be done. In times of trouble, too, more heads are often better than fewer.
For those who are against having a large family, large family means more mouths to feed and more bodies to clothe. The family may have to sacrifice the education of some of the children in order to further that of the others, or even sacrifice the education of all children for survival of the family. If the father is the sole bread-winner, an unfortunate accident which prevents him from working may plunge the whole family into despair and helpless.
In summary, having a large family should be considered again
06. Andien : What kind of text is it?
Mefi : It is … text.
a. Procedure c. narrative e. explanation
b. Recount d. discussion
07. Andien : What is the purpose of this text?
Mefi : It is used to ……
a. explain the audience how or why something occur
b. tell about embarrassing or unforgettable experience
c. tell about funny stories
d. amuse or entertain the audience
e. present two point of view about an issue
08. Andien : If I’m not mistaken, our teacher had explained about the generic structure of
the text above. But, I forget it. Can you tell me?
Mefi : Of course, they are…
a. Orientation, events, re-orientation.
b. Issue, argument for, argument against , conclusion/recommendation
c. Orientation, complication, resolution
d. Issue, argument for, argument against, conclusion.
e. General statement, sequenced of explanation
09. Andien : Sentences” For those who are against having a large family, large family means more
mouths to feed and more bodies to clothe“. in the generic structure of the text above
belongs to….
Mefi : It belongs to…..
a. Issue c. arguments against e. re-orientation
b. arguments for d. conclusion
10. Dania : …..an unfortunate accident which prevents him from working may plunge the whole
family into despair and helpless.(pr. 3 stc 3). The word “him” refers to ….
Sumarni : it refers to ….
a.large family c. husband e. children
b. small family d. wife
11. Dian : I plan to have a camping in a beach. How do you think?
Dina :That’s a good idea. I’ll tell the others
From the dialogue we know that the second speaker shows her….
a. Disagreement c. blaming someone else e. admitting mistakes
b. Agreement d. promise
12. Dian : We must take this picture. Look, she is taking a bath. Where is your handphone?
Dina : …………… It breaks the law.
a. I agree c. That’s not a good idea e. I like it
b. I have no objection d. OK
13. Dian : Oh, my flowers died.
Dina : …………………… you watered it too much yesterday.
a. I agree c. That’s not a good idea e. you must be blamed for this
b. I have no objection d. It is my false
14. Dian : My vase is broken. Did you do it?.
Dina : ….. I’ll buy the new one for you .
a. I disagree c. That’s not a good idea e. you must be blamed for this
b. I object to you d. I admit I was wrong
15. Dian : You promised to buy me a new vase yesterday. Where is it?.
Dina : ….. I’ll buy it today.
a. I ‘ll keep my words c. That’s not a good idea e. you must be blamed for this
b. I object to you d. I admit I was wrong
16. Dian : When will you come back , Din?
Dina : I will go back here …… as I finished my business in Singapore
a. when c. before e. while
b. after d. as soon as
17. Dian :Let’s go home. Why we are her.
Dina : …………..the hard rain. I don’t bring my rain coat.
a. Because c. since e. as
b. because of d. if
18. Dian : You look great! Your clothes are always new everyday.
Dina : It is due to the ……..of her majesty . She always gives me everything I need
a. kindhood c. kindment e. kindtion
b. kindity d. kindness
19. Dian : I wonder, Where is Liana, the best student of our school
Dina : Look over there. She is the girl ……wears black hat.
a. which c. who e. whom
b. where d. whose
20. Dian : Show me your cat
Dina : My cat is the one …..tail is black and white
c. which c. who e. whom
d. where d. whose
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e.
Text. 1
How Planes Fly
A plane needs air pressure under their wings to stay up in the air. As they move forward, the higher air pressure underneath their wings pushes them upward and gives them lift.
The smooth, streamline shape of the plane allows to flow easily over its surface. This help to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move rapidly through the air.
Planes move forward using engines. This movements is called thrust. Moving forward keeps a stream of moving air passing over the wings, which allows the plane to stay up in the air. If the engines fail, the plane will begin to descend very quickly.
The air above the wing moves faster so it is at a lower pressure than the air under the wing.
The air under the wing moves more slowly and is slightly squashed so it is at a higher pressure than the air above the wing.
01. A plane stays up in the air because …. .
a. the streamlined shape of the plane lets the air flow
b. the air under the wing moves slowly
c. there is a pressure under its wings
d. it moves forward the sky
e. it has a strong engine
02. The plane will ….the earth very fast if the engine fails to run.
a. move down d. decrease
b. fall down e. drop on
c. jump off
03. “ Moving forward keeps a stream of moving air passing over the wings “. This is used to ….
a. avoid the engine to fail.
b. keep the engine run well
c. make the wings move faster
d. make the plane stay up in the air.
e. over the air under the wing slowly
04. The purpose of the text is … .
a. to give report about the plane engine
b. to inform how to operate a plane
c. to describe a kind of planes
d. to describe what a plane is
e. to explain how planes fly
05. …. allows it to move rapidly through the air.(pr 2). The word “ It” refers to …
a. smooth c. shape e. plane
b. streamline d. air
Text 2.
Della and Jim Young, newly married, were poor. Jim’s wage was enough to rent only a very small apartment. But there were two things of which each was extremely proud: Della had the longest and most beautiful hair in all New York, and Jim possessed a magnificent gold pocket watch, given by his father.
Christmas was drawing near, and Jim and Della began to think what presents they could afford to give each other. Della always noticed sadly, that when Jim looked at his watch (which he did when ever he had an excuse to), it was fixed to the button-hole of his coat by a common old leather strap. He really needed a gold chain. And Jim often thought , as he looked at Della doing her long hair, how nice it would look if only he could buy her a jeweled comb to hold it in place. But a gold watch-chain or a jeweled hair comb would have cost far more money than either of them possessed.
Now it was Christmas Eve. With tearful eyes Della had counted for the tenth time. Just 87 cents. “If only I knew – “ she thought. Then suddenly she had a wonderful idea! Hurriedly putting on her old hat and coat, she ran down the street to the shop with the notice ‘Hair bought’. She went in-and an hour later walked out of the shop richer by 15 dollars, but without her hair ! On the way home she stopped at every watch marker’s shop until at last she found exactly the right chain to suit Jim’s watch. …..
06. Donita : Can you guess where the story happened ?
Dian : I guess it happened in …..
A. United states C. France E. Singapore
B. England D. Brazil
07. Lopez : Frida, in your opinion, when the story occurred ?
Frida : I think it occurred in …………..season
A. winter C. summer E. rainy
B. spring D. fall
08. What is the main idea of paragraph two ?
A. A life in New York D. A golden chain
B. A jeweled comb E. A drawing near
C. The confusion of Della and Jim about the present
09. All the statements below are wrong, except !
A. Della and Jim Young live in a luxurious apartment D. Jim’s wages is very low
B. Della and Jim Young are rich couple E. Jim’s watch is very cheap.
C. Della had the most awful hair in all New York
10. Joko : There is a notice ‘ Hair bought “. What does it mean ?
Rinto: It means ….
A. The shop is a food shop
B. The shop is buying and selling hair
C. The shop is selling gold chain
D. The shop is buying jeweled hair
E. The shop is owned by watchmaker.
11. But a gold watch-chain or a jeweled hair comb would have cost far more money than either of them
possessed. The word “them” refers to……
A. jeweled hair comb D. Della and Jim
B. more money E. watchmakers.
C. gold-watch-chain
Text. 3
Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don't need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see, For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums and go to the theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of' bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well-paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even in the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city - dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don't mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly When they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.
12. Which statement is true according to the text ?
a. Public transport is very crowded on Sundays
b. Despite all the crowd, rich people feel very lonely in a city
c. Finding good, cheap accommodation is not easy in a city
d. Older people who like the excitement of the city prefer living in a city
e. Young people who have young children don’t mind the noise and pollution
13. Why won’t you be able to afford many of the things in a city ?
a. since living in a city is often very dear
b. Because you don’t have a good job.
c. Since you might have a very well paid job
d. Because city life is full of bustle and variety.
e. Because it is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation.
14. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation.
Accommodation has about the same meaning as ….
a. a city park
b. food and drink
c. a well paid job
d. interesting places
e. rooms for living in
15.Which one belongs to the organization of the text …
a. Thesis-arguments-reiteration
b. Thesis-arguments-recommendation
c. Orientation-complication-resolution
d. A general statement – a sequenced explanation
e. Issue-statements of differing points of view-conclusion
16.The writer the arguments for in paragraph ….
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1 and 2
e. 1 and 3
Text 4.
Nearly all energy is derived from the sun, either indirectly, in the form of heat rays and light rays.
Electrical energy is derived from the sun indirectly. It can be derived from the power of water falling down a mountainside. The water falls as rain, which is is formed by the evaporation of the water on earth’s surface, by means of the sun’s heat. This water vapour rises, condenses on cooling, and falls as rain.
The light and heat energy from coal is also derived indirectly from the sun. coal was formed by the pressure of the rocks on vegetation which died millions of years ago. That vegetation grew with the aid of sunlight, from which carbohydrates were formed, thus converting solar energy into chemical energy. When coal is burnt some of this energy is released. ‘thus the sun can be said to the source of nearly all energy, and in the absence of the sun’s heat and light, no life coult exist on earth.
17.The idea of “How the rain is formed” is found in …
a. paragraph 1
b. paragraph 2
a. paragraph 3
b. paragraph 4
c. paragraph 5
18. The water on the earth’s surface evaporates because ….
a. the water falls down on mountainside
b. the rain falls on the earth
c. is formed by the evaporation of water
d. the sun heats the water
e. the water vapour rises
19. When coal is burnt …..
a. it releases light and heat energy
b. it releases smoke and fire
c. it makes the vegetation die
d. the sun heats the water
e. the water vapour rises
20. Carbohydrates are formed ….
a. by the growth of vegetation
b. by burning the vegetation
c. by converting solar energy into chemical energy
d. when coal is burned
e. with the aid of sunlight
21. Mr. Budi : I am not satisfied with your service. I will never come here anymore.
Waitress : I am sorry sir/
The underlined sentence expresses ……..
a. agreement c. interrupting e. complain
b. disagreement d. regret
22. Sandy : …………………….for dropping your drink
Aulia : Never mind
a. excuse c. I have no objection e. That’s good
b. I beg your pardon d. not at all
23. Martin : …………………how to operate this fan
Dani : Just push the “start” button.
a. Can you showing me d. Could you mind showing me
b. could you please showing me e. could you
a. could you like to tell me
24. Marni : Din, I’ll take a driving test tomorrow.
Sania : …………..
a. hard luck c. I wish you luck e. Don’t mention it
b. what a pity d. can you do that?
25. Kania : What about going to beach? I think it will be fun.
Karno : ……………. It has been long time not going to beach. Let’s prepare!
a. I am fine c. that’s good idea e. I’m sorry I can’t
b. I have no money d. Pardon!
26. Mirna : I apologize for coming late, Sir.
Mr. Don : OK, Don’t do that again
From the Mirna’s utterance we know that she expresses her….
a. apology c. disagreement e. asking information
b. agreement d. interruption
27. Doni : Introduce me to your sister, please!
Susi : You had. She is the girl …. You spoke to yesterday in the garden.
a. who c. whose e. what
b. whom d. which
28. The letter is short, it can … in three minutes.
a. Write c. wrote e. to write
b. be written d. is written
29. X : Did you meet Mr. Josh ……..he left for Japan this morning?
Y : Not yet.
a. after c. after e.as
b. when d. until
30. The teacher keeps explaining …. His student are noisy.
b. In spite of c. if e. although
c. whenever d. otherwise
31. Fani : What were you doing at 08.00 last night?
Shinta : I …. My homework in my room.
a. will be doing c. is done e. will do
b. was doing d. will have been done
32. A : Did she tell her name to you?
B : Yes, she ……….me her name after I ……….her twice.
a. tells, asked c. told, had asked e. tells, was asking
b. told, asked d. tell, was asked
33. Shinta : What did you buy from Australia?
Anita : Oh, I bought …..
a. an expensive old black leather skin coat
b. an old black leather skin expensive coat
c. an coat old black lather expensive skin
a. a coat black leather expensive old skin
b. an expensive black old leather skin coat
Text 5
34. What kind of text is it?
a. invitation
b. Advertisement
c. Short message
d. Announcement
Text 6
35. The brochure is mostly about… .
a. batiks collection
b. an exclusive restaurant
c. special interest tour
d. city sightseeing tour
36. What is the last visit of the tour program?
a. Planet Hollywood
c. Miniature park
d. Bird park
37. Which sentence is NOT TRUE according to the brochure?
a. this tour included lunch and Imax Theatre
b. Tourist can shop at PASARAYA
c. The duration of the tour is more than 6 hour
d. Miniature park symbolizes arts, cultures and tradition of all provinces in
Text 7
38. How long will the kite festival be held?
a. two days
b. three days
c. four days
d. five days
39. The kite can be flown in the following areas, except … .
a. busy street
b. open field
c. rice field
d. beach
40. “…each presenting unique character to their kites.
What does the underlined word refers to ?
a. regions
b. kites
c. participants
d. characters
B. Essay
41. Combine these sentence using appropriate connectives
a. Mr. John worked hard everyday
b. He was young
42. Change the sentence into passive construction
Mr. Andi : My secretary typed this report
Mr. Sani : You mean that this report ……………….by your secretary for you?
43. Complete the following sentence using expression of asking apology
Bimo : Can you fix my computer.
Putro : ……………g………I am not a computer technician .
44. Combine the following sentences with proper adjective pronouns
Mr. Sukarno is a rich man.
His house has big and beautiful park
45. Change the following sentence into passive causative.
I had my servant fry the fish
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