Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

contoh penjelas tentang descriptive text

Descriptive Text - Lima indra yang dimiliki oleh manusia, memungkinkannya merasa, melihat, mendengan, meraba dan mencium apapun yang ada di sekitarnya. Dan hakikatnya sebagai makhluk sosial, memunculkan sebuah cara untuk mengkomunikasikan hal-hal yang terjadi disekitarnya kepada makhluk lain, baik secara verbal maupun non-verbal. Cara verbal biasanya berupa kata-kata terstruktur yang terlontar dibawah alam sadar, sedangkan non-verbal biasanya berupa tulisan. Tulisan yang khusus menjelaskan tentang penggambaran terhadap sesuatu yang kita rasa, lihat, dengar, raba dan cium disebut Descriptive Text. Descriptive Text Descriptive Text Sesuai namanya, Descriptive Text ialah teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu. Tetapi tidak sesederhana itu, ada beberapa sistem yang harus kita ketahui sebelum mengaplikasikan Descriptive Text dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Untuk lebih jelasnya, simaklah penjelasan singkat tentang Descriptive Text – Penjelasan dan Contoh di bawah ini : Definition of Descriptive Text Descriptive Text adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan (menggambarkan) subjek-subjek nyata, seperti orang, tempat, atau hewan. Menggambarkan berarti menjelaskan sedetail-detailnya berdasarkan apa yang tertangkap indera kita. Descriptive Text digunakan bahasa komunikatif yang menjembatani pikiran penulis dan bayangan embaca, sehingga bahsa yang digunakan harus selugas mungkin. Bukan bahasa konotative seperti dalam Narrative Text atau bahasa fulgar ala Spoof Text. Descriptive Text merupakan genre paling sederhana dan paling mudah dipelajari, karena selain bahasnaya yang mudah di cerna, descriptive text juga sering kita temui dalam interaksi kehidupan sehari-hari. Seperti ketika kita memperkenalkan teman baru kepada teman lainnya, kalian tentunya akan menggunakan bahasa deskripsi untuk menjelaskan kepribadian orang tersebut. Sepintas, Descriptive Text terlihat sama dengan Review Text karena keduanya samasama menjelaskan sesuatu kepada pihak ketiga. Tetapi sesungguhnya, ada perbedaan besar yang sangat kentara antara descriptive texs dan review text. Jika descriptive text hanya difungsikan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu, maka dalam oenulisan review text terdapat kepentingan finansial terselubung. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text Identification Identification selalu ada di paragraph awal. Karena identification berfungsi sebagai pengenalan secara umum sesuatu yang nantinya akan dideskripsikan pada paragraph berikutnya. Identification mencakup background knowledge yang layak diberikan sebelum pembaca beranjak ke deskripsi keseluruhan. Description Kemudian, paragraph berikutnya harus lebih spesifik. Mengandung berbagai penjelasan tentang sesuatu yang sebelumnya hany dikupas sekilas, karakteristiknya, spesifikasinya serta kualitasnya. Tetapi perlu diketahui, bahwa penulisan paragrapg description tidak diperkenankan berbau persuasif karena nantinya paragraph itu akan berubah bentuk menjadi Review Text. The Example of Descriptive Text Untuk lebih jelasnya, di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh Descriptive Text tentang hal-hal yang ada di sekitar kita. Borobudur Temple Borobudur is Hindu - Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire adifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and starways. The design of borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia. Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable treasure for Indonesian people. My Friend's New Shoes I have a close Friend. She is beautiful, attractive and trendy. She always want to be a trend setter of the day. She always pays much attention on her appearance. Recently, she bought a new stylist foot legs from blowfish shoes products. This shoes really matches on her. Her new blowfish women's shoes are wonderful. When she are walking on that shoes, all her friends, including me watch and admire that she has the most suitable shoes on her physical appearance. The style, bright color, and brand represent her as a smart woman of the day. She really have perfect appearance. She is really mad on that shoes. She said that the products covered all genders. The blowfish men's shoes are as elegant as she has. The products provide varieties of choice. Ballet, casual SMA Students’ Modul of English 13 boot athletic shoes are designed in attractive way. The products are international trader mark and become the hottest trend. MacQuarie University Identificati Macquarie University is one of the largest universities SMA Students’ Modul of English 12 on in Australia. This year, in 2004, it celebrates its 40th anniversary. The university is located at the North Ryde Greenbelt, Sydney, where the New South Wales government sets aside 135 hectares for the institution. In 1964, Macquarie area was a rural retreat on the city fringe, but today the campus and its surroundings have evolved beyond recognition. The North Ryde District has grown into a district of intensive occupation anchored by a vibrant and growing university. Blessed with a fortunate location and room to breathe, Macquarie can be proud of that careful planning that retains and enrich the university’s most attractive natural features. A pleasing balance between buildings and plating is evident across the campus. This emphasis on the importance of landscape has created images of Macquarie as a place that members of the university are most likely to pleasurably recollect. One of the highlights of the landscape is the Mars Creek zone. It comprises landscaped creek sides and valley floor, a grass amphitheatre, and artificial lake surrounded by rocks and pebbles, native plants and eucalypts. Today, a railway station is under construction. In three years1 time, Macquarie will be the only university in Australia with a railway station on site. Macquarie is poised to be the most readily accessible in Sydney region by rail and motorway, yet retaining its beautiful site. Demikianlah eksplanasi singkat tentang Descriptive Text – Penjelasan dan Contoh. Semoga bermanfaat.

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