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Rabu, 03 Desember 2014
contoh soal bahasa inggris
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The First Daily Test
Read the text carefully !
One day I went to Surabaya with my friend for a vacation. We went there on a night bus.
When we arrived in Lamongan, the bus stopped at a small restaurant for a rest. I got off a bus to get a cup of ginger tea, and my friend drank some cold lemonade. Then I went to the toilet. It looks only a few minutes. When I came out again, the bus was not there. It had gone! My friend was not there too. Feeling shocked and confused, I asked a waitress about the bus. She said that the bus departed about five minutes ago.
I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low.
I couldn’t do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! I got on the bus and walked to my seat.
I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn red.
1. What does the story tell us about?
a. The writer and his friend enjoyed their trip to Surabaya
b. The writer arrived in Lamongan to visit his relatives
c. The writer could contact his friend with the cell phone
d. The writer went to surabaya on a night train
e. The writer was left by the bus on his trip to Surabaya
2. What did the writer do when the bus stop for a rest in Lamongan?
a. Got a cup of ginger tea d. Went to the toilet
b. Drank some cold lemonade e. Had a prayer in the mosque
c. Bought some souvenirs
3. The generic structure of the text is ...
a. Orientation – Events – re_orientation d. Goal – materials - steps
b. Orientation – complication – resolution e. Thesis – argument - reiteration
c. Identification – description
4. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To amuse or entertain the readers d. To tell how to make something
b. To tell past events in sequences e. To tell on going event
c. To describe a night bus
A Greedy Dog
A dog was feeling very proud of himself. He had found a big, juicy bone at the market. He quickly carried it in his mouth and ran off to find a place to eat it.
He came to a stream which had very clear water. He started to walk across it, taking his own sweet time. He was thinking what a wonderful time he would have when he could eat the whole juicy bone, all by himself.
Suddenly he stopped and looked down into the water. He saw a dog there looking back at him, also with a bone in his mouth. He didn’t know he was looking at himself.
He said to himself, “that’s dog bone looks bigger than mine. I’ll grab his bone and run away as fast as I can!”
5. What kind is the text above?
a. Recount text d. New items text
b. Narrative text e. Procedure text
c. Descriptive text
6. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To amuse or entertain the readers d. To tell how to make something
b. To tell past events in sequences e. To tell on going event
c. To describe particular person
7. The generic structure of the text is ...
a. Orientation – Events – re_orientation d. Goal – materials - steps
b. Orientation – complication – resolution e. Thesis – argument - reiteration
c. Identification – description
8. The word “it” in paragraph 1, refers to ...
a. A dog d. A big juicy bone
b. Market e. himself
c. Mouth
Mangga Street 81 Solo
January 25, 2014
Dear Angel,
How are you angel? I hope you’re fine. When will you visit our new house? My family misses you.
Two weeks ago I went to take a stroll with my new friends. They guided me to visit some interesting places in Solo. I had bought many things for you, such as clothes and shoes. I bought them in PGS or pusat grosir Solo. They were very cheap. We bargained, of course. Then we visited Mangkunegaran. There are many old building. They are so artistic. I was really happy there.
Therefore, come here Angel, visit our town and stay at my house. I will ask you to go to some interesting places. You would feel very happy. I’ll wait your reply.
Best wishes,
9. Who did write the letter ?
a. Angel c. My family e. Riana
b. My new friends d. Mangga Street
10. Where does the writer live?
a. Bandung c. Tasikmalaya e. January 25, 2014
b. Mangga street 81 solo d. PGS
Change the words in the brackets into past tense !
Jason (is)................ a naughty child when he was six years old. He always (pull)...................this girl’s hair. He (bring)........................a frog to school and (make)............................his friends afraid. His teacher (call)......................his parents many time.
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