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Senin, 01 Desember 2014
Giving, accepting and refusing invitation expression
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Giving, accepting and refusing invitation expressionInilah cara-cara mengundang, menerima undangan dan menolak undangan
Making in vitiation
• Would you like to come to my wedding party?
• I would very happy if you could come to my home?
• Let’s go to the cinema.
• How about watching football match at the stadium.
• Why don’t we go to the mall?
Accepting invitation
• That’s very kind of you
• Thanks. I’d love to.
• Sure, that sounds great.
• Thank you. I’ll be glad to.
Declining invitation
• I’m very sorry, I can’t
• I’d like to, but ….
• Thanks for asking, but I’m afraid I’m busy.
• Unfortunately, I can’t
Februari 3, 2011 — marih belajar
Yes, I’d love to.
Making invitations is normal in our life. When we want to make a party, we usually invite our friends to come over to our house. We are happy when they can accept our invitations.
Here some more expressions of inviting some one to do things, accepting and refusing invitations. Memorize some as to will use them in your conversations.
Inviting Someone To Do Things
• Would you like to…. (Verb-1)
• Would you care to…. (Verb-1)
• Let’s… (Verb-1)
• How about…. (Verb-ing)
• Why don’t you…. (Verb-1)
• Why don’t we…. (Verb-1)
Accepting Invitations Refusing Invitations
• Thank you. I’ll be glad to.
• Thank you, that would be great.
• Thanks. I’d love to.
• Thanks. I’d like to.
• Sure, that sounds great.
• Sure, that sounds like fun. Formal:
• I’m very sorry but I don’t have much time.
• I’d like to, but I’m very busy right now.
• Thanks but I must go now.
• I’m sorry but….
• No, thanks.
Asking for permission
Expressions Responds
Can I go out now?
May I go out now?
Could I go out now?
Do you mind if go out now?
Is it alright if go out now?
Would you mind if go out now? Sure.
Go ahead.
Not at all.
Sorry but….
I’d rather you don’t.
I’m afraid you can’t/may not/couldn’t.
Giving Permissions
1. I think you can approve that.
2. Alright. You can do it.
3. Never mind. Good luck.
4. Well. This is your turn.
5. I allow you to….
6. Certainly.
7. Yes, please.
8. Yes, sure.
Refusing Permission
1. I’m sorry. I’m still…
2. I regret announce that.
3. I have no idea who told you that.
4. I’ll have to think about that.
5. I’d rather you don’t.
6. I’m afraid you can’t.
7. Don’t do that. It’s dangerous.
Expression Of Surprise
Expression of surprise is a feeling caused by something happening suddenly or unexpectedly.
Example Of Surprises:
Ana: "Hi, What are you talking?
Bobby: "Oh you Ana.. We are talking about You..You the winner of Sains Olympiad. "
Ana: "wow. What a surprise..."
Bobby: "Yeah you are the winner.. Good Job friend..."
Ana: "Oh booby. Thank you.."
Bobby: "It's Ok.."
Here are some expressions of surprise
Expressing surprise Responding
Wow! What a surprise! Yeah!
That’s a surprise! It is
That’s very surprising! Yup!
Really? Positively!
What? It’s true
Are you serious? You must be joking I’m serious
You’re kidding! No, I’m not
Fancy that! It is
I must say it surprises me Does it?
When you got surprising fact, you can say:
• Do you know what?
• Believe it or not?
• You may not believe it, but.....
• Can you believe this?
Expression Of Disbelief
Expression of Disbelief is an expressing to refust or be unable to belief something or somebody.
Example Of Disbelief..
Rara: "Hi guys..."
Ina: "Hi Ra... What happen?"
Rara: "Ina... Jesse come back from Bandung.."
Ina: "Are you sure, Ra..? I don't believe that your information.."
Rara: "Ina that's real. Jesse come back. This afternoon he's back.."
Ina: "Oh Ra, Thank's for your information.. I must make a party tonight.."
Expressing Disbelief
I don’t believe it
I can’t believe it
It’s really unbelievable
How could it be?
Expression of Surprises and Disbeliefs
Expression surprise is expression which someone when get a surprise.
Ekspresi terkejut adalah ekspresi yang dilakukan seseorang ketika mendapatkan sebuah kejutan.
Surprise can have valence. It can be neutral expression, pleasant or accordingly some would not categories surprise in itself as an emotion or every human.
Ekspresi terkejut mempunyai ragam. Itu dapat berupa ekspresi normal, menyenangkan atau tidak menyenangkan. Termasuk yang bukan kategori keterkejutan itu sendiri, didalam terdapat sebuah emosi yang dimiliki setiap manusia.
Expressing surprise
Ekspresi terkejut
• Here are some other expressions to show surprise.
Ini adalah beberapa ekspresi untuk menunjukkan keterkejutan.
Telling surprising news
Memberitahukan berita mengejutkan
Guess what!
Coba tebak
I’ve got news, for you
Aku punya berita untukmu
Do you know what?
Kamu tahu apa?
You won’t believe it!
Kamu tidak akan percaya itu!
Expressing surprise :
Wow! What a surprise!
Wow! Ada kejutan!
That’s a surprise!
Itu sebuah kejutan!
That’s very surprising!
Itu sangat mengejutkan!
Are you serious? You must be joking!
Apakah kamu serius? Kamu pasti bercanda!
You’re kidding!
Kamu pasti bercanda!
Fancy that!
I must say it surprises me.
Aku harus bilang itu mengejutkanku
I find it hard to believe
Aku rasa itu sulit untuk dipercaya
It is!
It’s true.
I’m serious.
No, I’m not.
It is.
Does it?
It is, isn’t it?
Expression disbelief is expression to not believe something or someone with reason or unreason.
Expressi tidak percaya adalah ekspresi untuk tidak percaya pada sesuatu atau seseorang dengan alasan ataupun tidak dengan alasan.
Expressing disbelief
Ekspresi ketidak percayaan
• Here are some sentences to express disbelief.
Ini adalah beberapa kalimat untuk mengekspresikan ketidak percayaan.
Asking if you believe it or not.
Menanyakan jika kamu percaya itu atau tidak
Do you believe it?
Kamu percaya itu?
Wouldn’t you believe it?
Kamu tidak akan percaya itu?
Can you imagine that?
Bisakah kamu membayangkan itu?
You don’t believe it, do you?
Kamu tidak percaya itu, kan?
Don’t you think it’s odd that….?
Jangan kamu piker itu aneh….?
Expressing disbelief:
Ekspresi ketidakpercayaan:
I don’t believe it.
Aku tidak percaya itu
It can’t be true.
Itu tidak bisa dibenarkan.
I can’t think of it.
Aku tidak bisa memikirkan itu.
I don’t trust you.
Aku tidak mempercayaimu.
Responding to believe or not.
Merespon untuk percaya atau tidak.
No, I don’t believe it.
Tidak, aku tidak percaya ini
Are you serious?
Apa kamu serius?
Are you joking?
Apa kamu bercanda?
Are you kidding?
Apa kamu bercanda?
You must be joking/kidding!
Kamu pasti bercanda!
Oh, no! that’s not true!
Oh, tidak! Itu tidak benar!
You don’t say!
Kamu tidak boleh mengatakannya!
Seeing is believing.
Melihat berarti mempercayai
Really? That sounds interesting.
Benarkah? Irama itu menarik.
Really? It’s surprising that.
Benarkah? Itu mengejutkannya.
Good heavens
Surga bagus
My goodness!
This is really a surprise!
Ini benar-benar sebuah kejutan
Example conversation of expression surprise:
Nopli : Whose motorbike is that?
Dios : It’s Norman’s.
Nopli : Are you kidding me?
Dios : No, I’m not. I saw her riding that motorbike this morning.
Nopli : What a surprise!
Example conversation of expression
Harry : Do you still remember the girl we met yesterday?
Angga : Yes.
Harry : I can’t believe my eyes when I saw her riding a sport car this morning.
Angga : A sport car?
Harry : Yes. She looked gorgeous!
Angga : I don’t believe you. You must be dreaming.
January 14, 2010
That’s very surprising.
Is she?
That is a surprise.
What a surprise.
Good heavens.
That’s amazing/extraordinary.
My goodness. What?
No! I don’t believe it!
Are you serious?
Well, I never!
Oh, no!
You don’t say.
Who’d have thought it?
Fancy that.
You’re kidding. I find that very surprising.
I must say it surprises me.
I find it extraordinary.
How very surprising.
I must say it surprises me.
Do you belief to the following statements??
1) A cat gets married with a dog.
2) A banana tree produces orange fruits.
3) A woman gave a birth to a baby crocodile.
Study the following dialogue and underline which phrases express disbelief.
Alex : I went to Soraksan last weekend.
Brian : Really, who did you go with?
Alex : Only my girlfriend and I went.
Brian : You’re kidding… your girlfriend went with you? Did anyone else go?
Alex : No, just the two of us. We had a great time. We climbed Sorak Mountain, had dinner at the Kensington Hotel and climbed up to Teetering Rock. It was incredible.
Brian : Let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend went alone to Sorak?
What about her folks and your folks, did they know about this trip.
Alex : Oh yeah…it was no problem.
Brian : Seriously,… I find this hard to believe… I know your parents, they wouldn’t allow this.
Alex : Honestly, it was no problem
Brian : Wow, I wish my folks were that liberal and open-minded.
ü Are you serious?
ü No! I don’t believe it.
ü You must be joking.
ü You’re kidding. Expressing disbelief
ü Really?
ü That’s very surprising.
ü What a surprise!
ü My goodness. Expressing surprise
Complete the following conversation with the correct expressions of disbelief and surprise. Then, practice the conversations with your partner.
Conversation 1.
Joe : What did you do yesterday?
May : Not much, I read a book.
Joe :_______
May : How about you?
Joe : I watched TV for a couple of hours and went to bed early. I’ve been really tired lately.
May : _______ What from?
Joe : Nothing in particular, I think I’m just bored.
Conversation 2.
Al : I’m never gonna get married!!!!
Bia :_________ Why?
Al I hate all women/men
Bia :_______________________________________ I thought you had three girl/boyfriends?!
Al : I did but they all found out about each other and now none of them will talk to me.
I really loved one of them too… what was her/his name? Hmm?….
Bia :_______________________________________ You don’t know what love is.
You’ll get married when you fall in love. Right now you’re frustrated and its your own damn fault.
Conversation 3.
Charlie : I went skiing about 15 times this past winter.
Zack : __________ Where did you go?
Charlie : All over the place but most of the time I went to Banff in Canada and skied at a place called Lake Louise
Zack : ___________________________________________ That must have been really expensive.
Charlie : It was but I won the lottery last year so I had plenty of extra money to blow.
Zack : ______________________________________________________________
Charlie : ______________________________________________________________Continue It
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