Senin, 01 Desember 2014

contoh soal uas

Soal Ujian Akhir Semester Genap Mata Kuliah : Organisasi dan Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Dosen : Prof. Dr. H. Endang Sumantri, M.Ed. Jenjang Pendidikan : S2 (Magister) Program Studi : Manajemen Pendidikan Kelas : Ca, Cb, Cc, Ga dan Gb Jawab Semua Soal di bawah ini! 1. Kemukakan dengan jelas menurut arti etimologis dan arti terminologis tentang organisasi! 2. Gambarkan tentang struktur organisasi menurut teori Mintzberg yang memuat elemen pokok sebagai model organisasi dalam struktur sederhana 3. Kita telah mengkaji Sruktur Organisasi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Silahkan anda padankan bagian-bagian dari Struktur tersebut di mana tepatnya dalam teori struktur menurut Mintzberg cukup satu saja pada setiap elemen kecuali dalam Strategic Apex sebagai gambaran dari unit utama Depdiknas. 4. Kepemimpinan dan Birokrasi a. Jelaskan arti pemimpin menurut arti etimologis dan terminologis b. Sebutkan apa yang dimaksud dengan istilah birokrasi c. Sebutkan tipe-tipe kepemimpinan pendidikan menurut pola acuan dari Stanford University. 5. Pendidikan, Manajemen dan Administrasi a. Sebutkan makna pendidikan dari (1) Langeveld dan, (2) Ki Hajar Dewantara b. Apa arti manajemen dan arti administrasi c. Apa sajakah kesamaan dan perbedaan dari dua istilah tersebut pada nomor 5.b tersebut. Introduction This book bridges several theory and practies dealing with the nation of Civic Education, CIVICS, Citizenship Education, Moral Education and Values Education and describes the differenciation in learning, depend on the historical background of national education and ideological basis of certain countries which are mentioned in thia care. This book also inform some theoretical frame-works and contemporary finding of empirical and ideal substantive Citizenship Education in certain national countries for the need of sustainable development. The key question of the need to explore a view paradigm of the future of democracy which depend on the education of young citizen is : what manner of education is most effective in developing democratic citizens? This book tries to contribute empirical evidence to support the philosophical assumption with its focus on citizenship education. In learning in comparative citizenship education, this book displays the tradition of those who believe it is insightful to exercise the relationship at global phenomena such as the mass media and scientific journals on education in cross national perspective. Finally, the book draws on and contributes to the view points of civic literacy as a discourse for celebrating new ideas to educate new nations in the year to come especially for younger generation and older community as well.

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